9.1 - Content Creators
9.1.1 - General
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The policies contained within this section only apply to those content creators (i.e. streamers and video producers) that have been officially recognized by the POSCON Directors as affiliated POSCON Content Creators. Affiliated POSCON Content Creators can be identified by:

  1. A special Discord role within our affiliated POSCON Discord servers.
  2. Yellow aircraft icons on our Live Map.
  3. Their posts in #poscon-streams (a channel reserved for POSCON Content Creators).

Additionally, when a POSCON Content Creator streams with "POSCON" in the title of the stream, their stream link will appear in the left side-bar menu that opens when their aircraft icon on the Live Map is selected.

For policies regarding unaffiliated content creators, please see Guidelines and the User Agreement.

9.1.2 - Conduct
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

POSCON Content Creators are expected to always behave in a professional manner while on the Network or producing content that represents the Network.

While POSCON’s core components are no longer in the beta stage, there will always be parts of the Network that are under active development. As such, POSCON Content Creators shall use their voices in a positive manner when experiencing any kind of bug while using our software. This means that POSCON Content Creators will not accentuate issues encountered while using the Network, but instead remind viewers of the proper procedure for bug reporting.

9.1.3 - Content
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

POSCON is not responsible if the content produced is in violation of any guideline set by the platforms used.

When creating POSCON content, POSCON Content Creators must have “POSCON” in the title of their stream or video. For example:

"[POSCON] Group flight from EDDP to EFHK!"

Having it in your title will enable the HQ to recognize your stream and link it to the Live Map:


It is not required, but we recommend that POSCON Content Creators make a simple bot command or have information about POSCON in the description of their stream or video. For example, on Twitch you can use “!poscon” as a bot command that returns in chat:


“POSCON is an online network that connects users of various flight simulator platforms together with virtual air traffic controllers in an interactive, immersive, and realistic environment. Sign up here! https://hq.poscon.net/register and be sure to link your Discord using https://discord.poscon.net/link”.

9.1.4 - Activity Requirements
Revision: 07 May 2022

POSCON Content Creators are not limited to only using POSCON for their choice of network, but they are required to demonstrate POSCON content to their followers/subscribers on their preferred platform at least once every 14 days. If unable to comply with this requirement for any reason, please inform the President and an exception can be made on a case-by-case basis.

If streamer handles change, the Content Creator must update let POSCON staff know of the change so that we can update the profile.

9.1.5 - Application
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

POSCON does not require that a content creator maintain a certain average viewer count nor do we require a certain number of subscribers or followers for an affiliation. Instead, the Directors are looking for the following criteria in past broadcasts:

  1. Positive attitude
  2. Educating content
  3. Interactive content
  4. Activity on POSCON

If you are interested in becoming a POSCON Content Creator, please send an email to marketing@poscon.net and include the following information:

  1. Name and POSCON User ID
  2. Type of content you produce
  3. Link to stream and past broadcasts you would like us to watch
9.1.6 - Removal
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

POSCON reserves the right to remove the POSCON Content Creator role at any time for any reason.