8c - Communication
8c.1 - General
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to all operations.

  8c.1.1   All pilots must be proficient in the English language. Any communication initiated in English must elicit a response in English.
  8c.1.2   A working microphone is required and all pilots must be prepared to talk on frequency in the Terminal Environment.
  8c.1.3   Pilots must monitor Guard frequency on Comm #2 unless unable due to operational reasons (e.g. listening to ATIS or aircraft is only equipped with one radio).
  8c.1.4   Pilots shall only use Guard frequency to locate the proper ATC frequency to be on and to speak to Moderators.
  8c.1.5   Keep unnecessary chatter on all frequencies (except VHF 123.450) to a minimum. Any form of trolling on any communication method is strictly prohibited.
8c.2 - Controlled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to all operations that are conducted at a Controlled Airfield or in Controlled Airspace.

  8c.2.1   Pilots must always establish and maintain two-way voice radio communications with ATC (expand for exceptions).
8c.3 - Uncontrolled
Revision: 07 Mar 2022

The following policies apply to all operations that are conducted at an Uncontrolled Airfield or in Uncontrolled Airspace.

  8c.3.1   All Terminal Environment aircraft movements must be announced on the published real-world CTAF frequency (if no frequency is listed, expand for procedure).
  8c.3.2   The following radio calls are required for departure: Taxi, Runway Crossing (if applicable), Takeoff, and Departing Pattern. The following radio calls are required for arrival: 10 NM, Pattern Entry, Final, Runway Exit, Runway Crossing (if applicable), and Taxi.
  8c.3.3   Pilots must establish and maintain two-way voice radio communications with ATC when within 3 minutes of entering Controlled Airspace or at their TOD, whichever comes first (expand for exceptions).
  8c.3.4   ATC may make one attempt to contact at pilot when they are within 50 NM of entering the lateral boundary of Controlled Airspace. The pilot can choose to ignore the contact request without retribution; however, if the pilot does establish communication with ATC, then the pilot is responsible for maintaining two-way communication.