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Milano Radar, streamed!


Flavio 1023907
ATC Staffing

Yes, you read that right. Italy will have its first ATC stream on Saturday, May 15th 2021 at 19z. Milano Radar WS2 sector will be up and more sectors will possibly open. Come and explore the Alps in a VFR coming from/going to te tight Aosta Valley, a heavy 747 in Malpensa, or a challenging RNP or Circle to land in Genova. Everyone has its way to have fun here!



Italian AIP (free registration required) https://www.enav.it/enavWebPortalStatic/AIP/AIP/ad/ad2/AD2.htm

Eurocontrol EAD Basic (free registration required) https://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/cms-eadbasic/opencms/en/login/ead-basic/



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