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  1. until
    Sector: SBRE.SBWF.SBWF.WF1Booking for SBRE.SBWF.SBWF.WF1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  2. until
    Sector: SBAZ.SBAZ.SBWN.WN1Booking for SBAZ.SBAZ.SBWN.WN1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  3. until
    Sector: SBAZ.SBAZ.SBAZ.AZ1Booking for SBAZ.SBAZ.SBAZ.AZ1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  4. until
    Sector: SBBS.SBWR.SBWR.WR1Booking for SBBS.SBWR.SBWR.WR1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  5. until
    Sector: SBBS.SBBR.SBBR.BR1Booking for SBBS.SBBR.SBBR.BR1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. until
    Sector: SBCW.SBGR.SBGR.GR1Booking for SBCW.SBGR.SBGR.GR1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  7. until
    Sector: SBBS.SBWR.SBWR.WR1Booking for SBBS.SBWR.SBWR.WR1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  8. until
    Sector: SBRE.SBSV.SBSV.SV3Booking for SBRE.SBSV.SBSV.SV3 created on the POSCON HQ.
  9. until
    Sector: SBRE.SBSV.SBSV.SV3Booking for SBRE.SBSV.SBSV.SV3 created on the POSCON HQ.
  10. until
    Sector: SBBS.SBXN.SBXN.XN1Booking for SBBS.SBXN.SBXN.XN1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  11. Luiz


    Sector: SBBS.SBGO.SBGO.GO1Booking for SBBS.SBGO.SBGO.GO1 created on the POSCON HQ.
  12. Luiz


    # Date Description Author - 07MAR22 Document creation Luiz Machado (1028723)
  13. Luiz


    Use ever the AISWEB to check the active NOTAM. NOTE: What must prevail ever is common sense. If the pilot asks not to simulate a NOTAM, and this won't disturb other simmers, this request MUST BE attended! Punctual issues must be reported to our staff team.
  14. TGL at SBBR Despite being Brasília TWR responsibility area, the TWR must maintain the Brasília APP informed about the aircraft performing TGL (touch and go landing) at SBBR; just like, when the aircraft goes to perform a 360º maneuvering on downwind leg or extending the downwind leg. Traffic Pattern Restrictions RWY 11L/29R ACFT from W, NW, N, NE, and E sector, must enter on traffic pattern from N sector; ACFT from SE, S, SW sector, must request clearance from BR TWR to cross the aerodrome to enter on traffic pattern; departure RWY 11L: LEFT TURN MANDATORY, except when cleared by BR TWR; departure RWY 29R: RIGHT TURN MANDATORY, except when cleared by BR TWR; departure from RWY 11L/29R: START TURN after 4000'. RWY 11R/29L ACFT from W, SW, S, and SE, must enter on traffic pattern from S sector; ACFT from NW, N, NE, and E, must request clearance from BR TWR to cross the aerodrome to enter on traffic pattern; departure RWY 11R: RIGHT TURN MANDATORY, except when cleared by BR TWR; departure RWY 29L: LEFT TURN MANDATORY, except when cleared by BR TWR; departure from RWY 11R/29L: START TURN after 4000'.
  15. Luiz

    Ground Management

    Usually, the airplanes going to SBBR must follow those rules about the Parking position: Flight Type Position Azul 17 - 20 Gol 5 - 16 Latam 24 - 41 International 1 - 2 (M) | 3 - 4 (M e H) Cargo 52 - 60 (L e M) | 47 - 49 (H) Executive 67 - 70 ATR 49A - 51 General apron (Apron 2) 42 - 46 | 61 - 66 Military aircrafts Military Apron

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