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Dan S. (1019382)

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  1. I will add that having saved my previous answer (and no longer allowed to edit it) I did see that once back to the main forum the title of the post is 'Departure SID' so my statement regarding SID vs. obstacle departure procedure is moot - prompted by my inattention to one detail and attention to another: The statement ... if a controller during the clearance delivery phase of flight assigns a departure procedure ... My bad. My apologies.
  2. The short answer - yes. The longer answer may require a cafinated-beverage-of-choice fortification. I assume you are referring to a standard instrument departure (SID) vs. an obstacle departure procedure (which if published you can also use at either controlled or uncontrolled airports - for controlled airports if you do not wish to accept a SID you should put "NO SIDs" in your flight plan comment note - but obstacle avoidance is your responsibility until you are in radar contact and have reached the minimum vectoring altitude. There are three basic types of SIDs. A radar SID - like the NATIONAL SEVEN departure from Washington National - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2001/pdf/00443NATIONAL.PDF where you fly according to the notes and narrative, and as the narrative portion instructs - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2001/pdf/00443NATIONAL_C.PDF - "... expect RADAR vectors to filed / assigned fix. The second type of SID is a non-RNAV SID that uses ground-based navigation (and in some cases, although I suspect somewhat unusual, may include a dead-reckoning segment) like the PALEO THREE departure from Baltimore - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2001/pdf/00804PALEO.PDF - depending on the runway you can expect vectors (as the notes indicate). Generally you will have an initial assigned altitude (which may get modified) and, as the notes state 'expect clearance to filed altitude ten minutes after departure. The third, and newest version is the RNAV SID responsible for the "Climb Via" instruction from ATC. One (of many) examples is the FLYZA FIVE departure from Houston Intercontinental - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2001/pdf/05461FLYZA.PDF which not only specifies the course but also altitude restrictions (and for some, there may be speed restrictions), all of which is your responsibility to ensure you meet these restrictions unless otherwise instructed by ATC. For the most part ATC is not going to get involved unless they have to because this type of departure procedure takes the workload off of them. Logically you would see the "GPS REQUIRED" note on these departures but some also indicate RADAR REQUIRED and some allow DME/DME/IRU like the ECLPS ONE departure from Phoenix Sky Harbor - https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2001/pdf/00322ECLPS.PDF Whenever you are given vectors (or any instruction for that matter) ATC expects you to comply immediately or indicate that you 'cannot comply' (preferably with a really good reason if asked). Initial vectors cannot be given on departure until you are at or above 400 ft. AGL (sometimes higher - the notes will specify). Officially, if you are vectored off a departure procedure (or given a lower then published assigned altitude) and if that does happen it is ATC's responsibility to ensure obstacle clearance and separation from other aircraft - officially, but the 14 CFR § 91.13 - Careless or reckless operation "gotcha" covers-everything rule and things like the 14 CFR § 91.113 Right-of-way rules that require you to "see and avoid" don't let you off the hook. Dan

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