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  5. Just joined, this will be good. Are you active?
  6. Late to the party? This will be awesome. Interested to start a USMC Squadron.
  7. So, I was reading about some virtual airlines and this crosses my eye, it said that POSCON takes xbox players. Is this true?
  8. CPDLC messages can be communicated to aircraft equipped with VDL Mode 2 Communications or Satellite Communications (SatComm). The system indicates which aircraft have SatComm equipment so that controllers can accurately know which aircraft can be issued CPDLC messages in areas where VDL Mode 2 Communications are inconsistent or not available. Display of the SatComm Indicator is also based on a display filter controlled by a button on the RA-position Toolbar, which toggles the indicator On/Off. On the RA position, this button is on the RA-position toolbar (see Figure 2–18, Toggling the SatComm Indicator). Figure 2–18. Toggling the SatComm Indicator Eligibility for a SatComm Indicator to be displayed for a flight is based on the ICAO Field 10a data for the flight. If the flight’s ICAO Field 10a contains a J5 (CPDLC FANS INMARSAT) or a J7 (CPDLC FANS Iridium) or J5 and J7, then the flight is considered to be equipped for satellite communications. The system uses an asterisk as the SatComm Indicator and can be displayed in the ACL and in an FR. ACL In the ACL, the SatComm indicator will immediately follow the call sign. If there are any CPDLC indicators eligible to display to the right of the call sign, they are displayed to the right of the SatComm indicator (see Figure 2–19, FDB with SatComm Indicator). If the SatComm indicator is not displayed, any CPDLC indicators will be displayed immediately to the right of the call sign. Figure 2–19. ACL with SatComm Indicator The SatComm Indicator is not a selectable field within the ACL, as there is no action that can be taken on it. Attempts to select it as an individual field result in the display of the invalid selection cursor and sounding of the invalid selection tone. FR For Flight Plan readouts that are displayed in the RA, the SatComm indicator immediately follows the Aircraft ID (see Figure 2–20, FR with SatComm Indicator). Figure 2–20. FR with SatComm Indicator
  9. For flights with multiple plans, when an “FR AID” or “QF AID” command is entered, the FLID Duplication Message (Figure 2–16) will be displayed in the Response Area with plans associated with that FLID listed in the following order: Basis AOR or Proxy plan for an active flight Non-basis AOR or Proxy plans for an active flight ordered by local penetration time or inbound coordination fix time if there is no local penetration, earliest to latest Basis AOI plan for an active flight Non-basis AOI plans for an active flight ordered by most recent Area Of Interest Distribution Responsibility (AOIDR) time Proposed flights ordered by P-time The FLID Duplication response message provides an indication of the system determined correct plan when an overlapping plans condition exists. The indication is a right pointing arrow preceding the line of output that contains the information for the plan that the system has been identified as the plan for the controller to work with. The message also indicates when a plan is expired and when it is an AOI plan with the suffix EXP or AOI. The FLID Duplication also displays the external facility an AOR or Proxy plan has been, or will be, coordinated with (outbound) and the outbound crossing time, if applicable. If there is no outbound crossing, then no facility or time is displayed. If there is no AOR penetration, and therefore no outbound crossing, no facility ID or time is displayed. AOI plans do not show outbound coordination data, but do show the facility that supplied the plan. Figure 2–16. Response Area View FLID Duplication Message To assist the controller in resolving an overlapping plan condition, a variation of the Flight Plan Readout (FR) can be used which displays all FPs for a flight. The syntax of this command is “FR AID *” or “QF * AID”. If the plans resolve to a single plan, that plan’s data is displayed. If the result would be an overlapping plan condition, in the Response Area View, the Multiple Plans Readout (Figure 2–17) will display multiple plans in the same order as the FR message above. The FP Readout provides an indication of the system determined correct plan when an overlapping plans condition exists. The indication is a right pointing arrow preceding the line of output that contains the information for the plan that has been identified as the plan for the controller to work with. The message also indicates when a plan is expired and when it is an AOI plan with the suffix EXP or AOI. The FP Readout also displays the external facility an AOR or Proxy plan has been, or will be, coordinated with (outbound) and the outbound crossing time, if applicable. If there is no outbound crossing, then no facility or time is displayed. If there is no AOR penetration, and therefore no outbound crossing, no facility ID or time is displayed. AOI plans do not show outbound coordination data, but do show the facility that supplied the plan. Figure 2–17. Multiple Plans Readout
  10. A flight plan readout is necessary for the user to access information about a flight. There are several flight plan readout types used to access the available flight information. Flight Plan information Command: FR <FLID> Results: The flight plan information will display in the Response Area (see Figure 2–11, Flight Plan Information Displayed in the RA-position Response Area). Figure 2–11. Flight Plan Information Displayed in the RA-position Response Area Command: QF <FLID> Results: The flight plan information will display in the R-position Continuous Flight Plan Readout (CFR) View if it is open (see Figure 2–12, Flight Plan Information Displayed in the CFR), if not, in the R-position Response Area (see Figure 2–13, Flight Plan Information Displayed in the Response Area). Figure 2–12. Flight Plan Information Displayed in the R-position CFR Figure 2–13. Flight Plan Information Displayed in the R-position Response Area ICAO Flight Plan Information Command: FR <FLID> I Results: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) flight plan information is displayed in the RA-position Response Area. Command: QF I <FLID> Results: The flight plan information will display in the R-position Response Area. The ICAO flight plan information in the Response Area of the RA and R-position will appear the same (see Figure 2–14, ICAO Flight Plan Information Displayed in the Response Area). Figure 2–14. ICAO Flight Plan Information Displayed in the Response Area CPDLC Session information Command: FR <FLID> D Results: The CPDLC Session information is displayed in the RA-position Response Area. Command: QF D <FLID> Results: The CPDLC Session information will display in the R-position Response Area. The CPDLC Session information in the Response Area of the RA and R-position will appear the same (see Figure 2–15, CPDLC Session Information Displayed in the Response Area). Figure 2–15. CPDLC Session Information Displayed in the Response Area
  11. mergency Airport Information is formatted and displayed in the Response Area. See Figure 2–9, Emergency Airport Information Format. Figure 2–9. Emergency Airport Information Format The format for Emergency Airport Information is explained in Table 2–3, Emergency Airport Information Format. Table 2–3. Emergency Airport Information Format Line Item Description Line 1 Each field separated by a space. Airport Name Adapted airport name Airport Identifier Adapted airport identifier Flight Service Station Flight Service Station which provides service to that airport Line 2 If the display width is set to the minimum setting, 25 characters, the Lighting indicator section may text wrap to the next line. Each field separated by a space. Elevation Airport elevation Runway Surface and Length Lists the runway surface composition followed by the length in feet. The runway surface descriptions are adapted as hard or soft. The acronyms are listed below: Hard Surface ASPH - asphalt ASPH-CONC - asphalt/concrete ASPH-TRTD - asphalt/treated CONC - concrete ICE - ice PEM - partially concrete/asphalt/other hard material Soft Surface DIRT - dirt GRVL - gravel GRVL-DIRT - gravel/dirt GRVL-TRTD - gravel/treated GRVL-TURF - gravel/turf SAND - sand SNOW - snow TURF - turf TURF-DIRT - turf/dirt TURF-GRVL - turf/gravel WATER - water Runway Direction A slash (/) separates the Runway Length and Direction. There are two sets of two numbers in the Runway Direction section separated by a dash (-). The first 2 numbers indicate the Runway Direction and the second two indicate the reciprocal Runway Direction. Lighting Indicator/PCL Frequency (when available) "L" is displayed when the runway lighting is ground controlled, or "L*" is displayed followed by the PCL Frequency when the runway lighting is PCL. There is no space between the 'L*' and the PCL Frequency. This section can provide the airport lighting schedule and can refer the user to the lighting remarks section for more lighting information. If the lighting schedule displays SS-SR, then the lights are on all night and the PCL frequency is not included. For any other value, check the lighting remarks: If the lighting remarks contain “CTAF”, the CTAF Frequency will be included. If lighting remarks contain “UNICOM”, the UNICOM Frequency will be included. If neither “CTAF” or “UNICOM” are included, other lighting remarks will be displayed. Line 3 Line 3 has two formats, NAVAID format or Fix Radial Distance (FRD) format. The NAVAID format is used if NAVAID service is available at the airport (e.g., ILS). If NAVAID service is not available at the airport, the FRD format (the fix radial distance off the closest NAVAID) will be used instead. Each field separated by a space. NAVAID Information NAVAID format, each field separated by a space: NAVAID identifier Type NAVAID Serving Airport FRD format, no spaces: Fix Radial Distance to closest NAVAID Automated Weather Information (optional) Separated from the NAVAID Information by a space, and each field is separated by a space: Station Label Station Frequency Line 4 Communications Frequency Data (optional) Each component of this field is separated by a space. Communication Frequency Label Communication Frequency The format for helipads adapted as emergency airports is explained in Table 2–4, Emergency Heliport Information Format. Table 2–4. Emergency Heliport Information Format Line Item Description Line 1 Each field separated by a space. Heliport Name Adapted heliport name Heliport Identifier Adapted heliport identifier Flight Service Station Flight Service Station which provides service to that heliport Line 2 If the display width is set to the minimum setting, 25 characters, the Lighting indicator section may text wrap to the next line. Each field separated by a space. Elevation Heliport elevation Heliport Surface Lists the heliport surface composition followed by the heliport indicator (HELI) and the dimensions in feet. The heliport surface descriptions are adapted as hard or soft. The acronyms are listed below: Hard Surface ASPH - asphalt ASPH-CONC - asphalt/concrete ASPH-TRTD - asphalt/treated CONC - concrete ICE - ice PEM - partially concrete/asphalt/other hard material Soft Surface DIRT - dirt GRVL - gravel GRVL-DIRT - gravel/dirt GRVL-TRTD - gravel/treated GRVL-TURF - gravel/turf SAND - sand SNOW - snow TURF - turf TURF-DIRT - turf/dirt TURF-GRVL - turf/gravel WATER - water Heliport Indicator HELI Heliport Dimensions The heliport dimensions are listed as length X width in feet. Lighting Indicator/PCL Frequency (when available) "L" is displayed when the runway lighting is ground controlled, or "L*" is displayed followed by the PCL Frequency when the runway lighting is PCL. There is no space between the 'L*' and the PCL Frequency. This section can provide the airport lighting schedule and can refer the user to the lighting remarks section for more lighting information. If the lighting schedule displays SS-SR, then the lights are on all night and the PCL frequency is not included. For any other value, check the lighting remarks: If the lighting remarks contain “CTAF”, the CTAF Frequency will be included. If lighting remarks contain “UNICOM”, the UNICOM Frequency will be included. If neither “CTAF” or “UNICOM” are included, other lighting remarks will be displayed. Line 3 Line 3 has two formats, NAVAID format or Fix Radial Distance (FRD) format. The NAVAID format is used if NAVAID service is available at the airport (e.g., ILS). If NAVAID service is not available at the airport, the FRD format (the fix radial distance off the closest NAVAID) will be used instead. Each field separated by a space. NAVAID Information NAVAID format, each field separated by a space: NAVAID identifier Type NAVAID Serving Heliport FRD format, no spaces: Fix Radial Distance to closest NAVAID Automated Weather Information (optional) Separated from the NAVAID Information by a space, and each field is separated by a space: Station Label Station Frequency Line 4 Communications Frequency Data (optional) Each component of this field is separated by a space. Communication Frequency Label Communication Frequency If the information exceeds the set character length for a line, the information will wrap to the next line and push the remaining lines down (see Figure 2–10, Emergency Airport Information with Text Wrap) Figure 2–10. Emergency Airport Information with Text Wrap
  12. The Emergency Airport Information can be invoked from the RA-position by utilizing the AI keyboard command. AI Keyboard Command Format: AI <Airport ID> See Figure 2–7, AI Keyboard Command. Figure 2–7. AI Keyboard Command When the emergency airport is a heliport, the Emergency Airport Information will be displayed with the characters HELI and the dimensions of the heliport in line 2 (see Figure 2–8, AI Heliport Output). Figure 2–8. AI Heliport Output
  13. The system provides the user with information about nearby airports when requested. This information is locally adapted, and allows users to view emergency airports on the display, and to view information associated with that airport, called the Emergency Airport Information. The Emergency Airport Information is displayed in the Response Area for the requested emergency airport. This includes the airport identification, elevation, runway characteristics, lighting availability, NAVAID, the associated Flight Service Station, and optionally, frequencies. The frequencies displayed for an emergency airport can include Pilot Controlled Lighting (PCL), Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS), Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF), and Universal Communication (UNICOM) station.
  14. The movable menu gives the user the ability to move the associated menu to a position on the display where the menu does not cover data that needs to be seen. This functionality only exists for the Route Menu at the present time. A Movable Menu is designated with a gold triangle on the upper left corner of the menu header (see Figure 2–5, Movable Menu Indicator). Figure 2–5. Movable Menu Indicator To move a menu, the user TBPs anywhere in the menu header not devoted to another pick area. The actions to move a menu are the same as those for moving a view. Once the move is started, a wireframe is displayed with the trackball cursor attached. The user can drag the wireframe in the same manner that they drag a view wireframe to place it. The user selects a location on the display to drop the menu in its new position. During the move process of a Movable menu, input actions on the keyboard or keypad will have the same behavior as making the input during the move of a View. If the user presses the Clear key on the keyboard, the move is cancelled and the menu will remain at its original position. Other keyboard keys are disabled during a move. If during the move the user presses a key on the keypad, the input is ignored. After a Movable Menu is moved to a new display location, if the Movable Menu is closed and later reopened, it will reopen at the location it was moved to by the user. A Movable Menu is closed when the controller completes an action on the menu (e.g., generates an amendment), picks on the menu exit pick area (the X at the right side of the menu header), selects outside of the menu, or presses specific keyboard keys (e.g., Category Selection key, Clear key, MSG ACK key). On the RA-position, when a Movable Menu is displayed, the Flight ID (CID and ACID) in the ACL entry is highlighted with reverse video, in addition to the field that was used for flight selection (see Figure 2–6, RA-Position Route Menu With Associated ACL Emphasis). If the menu is closed due to completing a command (submitting a flight plan amendment, requesting a Confirm Assigned Route uplink), all highlighting is removed. If another movable menu is opened from a movable menu, only the highlighting on the Flight ID will remain. If another menu is opened from the Movable Menu, the highlighting will remain until the subsequently opened menu is closed, unless another menu is opened from that menu. Figure 2–6. RA-Position Route Menu With Associated ACL Emphasis
  15. ERAM introduces a variety of button types that allow the user to navigate through and manipulate views at the RA-Position. These button types include: Menu buttons: used to display/suppress a toolbar menu. Toggle buttons: used to display/suppress data on the display. Toggle buttons by TBP/TBE. If data associated with the toggle button is not displayed, selecting the toggle button displays the data. If data associated with the toggle button is displayed, selecting the toggle button suppresses the data. Increment/decrement buttons: used to set the value of an attribute that is associated with the button (for example font size, brightness, and length). To increment a value, the user selects TBE; to decrement a value; the user selects TBP. Command buttons: used to start the composition of a command. Command buttons toggle between activated and deactivated when selected.
  16. Multiple windows can be displayed simultaneously on the RA-Position flat panel display, but the user can only interact with one window at a time. Additionally, only one copy of a particular window can be displayed at any one time. The window that has the trackball cursor within its boundaries is said to have window focus. Only windows with focus can be manipulated. A window with focus has a cyan colored Window Title Bar. The Title Bar is gray if the window does not have focus. To minimize a display, TBP the Minimize button (-) in the Title Bar. To restore a view that has been minimized, TBP on the button representing the display on the RA-Position Toolbar. To move a display, TBP and hold the trackball button anywhere in the Title Bar. Move the display to the desired location and then release the trackball button. To close a view, TBP on a Views Menu button (M) and select the CLOSE option. Some displays cannot be closed. In such a case the CLOSE option is not available. A view can be sized by TBP and dragging the sides or corners of a view. The term “dragging” means to TBP on an object and hold down the select button while increasing or decreasing the size of the display window. If a view window is displayed at less than its largest size, it can be maximized by a TBP of the Maximize button (□) in the upper-right corner of the Title Bar. If more than one display is open on the screen, one display may overlap the other. To raise the display in the back to the front of the display, TBP anywhere within the Title Bar of the view window, side edges, or bottom edge. To lower a display so that it is placed at the bottom of the stack of all other currently displayed windows, select the Window Menu Button, then select Lower on the resulting menu. Also, when a view is not currently displayed on top, it can be raised or lowered by a TBP on its icon in the RA-Position Toolbar. Keyboard shortcuts for raising and lowering views are described in Section 2.5, Keyboard Shortcuts. ERAM windows have a logical default position that allows easy access to all windows. To reset RA-Position views to their default position use the keyboard shortcut procedure described in , Resetting Display Locations and Sizes. Figure 2–4, Display Controls (DC) View, displays the current volume of the message waiting alarm tone. Figure 2–4. Display Controls (DC) View Use the following steps to set the alarm volume tone via the keyboard: Press the MULTI-FUNC key and the up arrow key. The tone reflecting an increase in the volume sounds and the number in the DC display changes to reflect the alarm volume setting. Press the MULTI-FUNC key and the down arrow key. The tone reflecting a decrease in the volume sounds and the number in the DC display changes to reflect the alarm volume setting. A “0” setting provides a mute capability. Use the following steps to set the alarm volume tone via the trackball: Position the trackball cursor on the pick area and click the Trackball Pick (TBP) button. The tone reflecting a decrease in the volume sounds and the number in the DC display changes to reflect the alarm volume setting. A “0” setting provides a mute capability. Position the trackball cursor on the pick area and click the Trackball Enter (TBE) button. The tone reflecting an increase in the volume sounds and the number in the DC display changes to reflect the alarm volume setting.
  17. Numbers on the ACL and DEP Toolbar buttons indicate the number of aircraft entries in the ACL and DL. The SIG, NOT, and GI buttons have a yellow border and yellow text when there are unacknowledged entries in their view. Numbers on the buttons indicate the number of unacknowledged entries. When no unacknowledged entries exist, the buttons have a white border and white text. If the view contains entries, a check mark appears on the button. When the PLANS button is coded with gray text, the Plans Display has no entries. Buttons other than STATUS and OUTAGE can have the following backgrounds: Gray: View is displayed Black: View is suppressed Yellow: A failure condition has caused information in the view to be old The STATUS button can have the following states: Yellow background and black text: View is not displayed and the alternate channel indicator has been added or deleted or the current channel mode has been changed. The user changing from one channel to another will not trigger yellow coding. Black background and white text: View is not displayed and there are no unacknowledged changes to channel status. Gray background and white text: View is displayed. The OUTAGE button can have the following states: Red background and white text: View is not displayed and there is at least one unacknowledged safety critical service status change (e.g., Flight Data Service). Yellow background and black text: View is not displayed and there is at least one unacknowledged additional status change(s) and no unacknowledged safety critical service status change(s). Black background and white text: View is not displayed and there is an acknowledged safety critical or an acknowledged additional status change(s). Gray background and white text: View is displayed and there is an entry in the view. Black background and gray text: View is not displayed and there is no entry in the view. The last box on the right side of the toolbar is the Message Waiting Indicator. If there is a message waiting in the UA View, MSG WAIT will appear in yellow in the box; otherwise, it will be displayed in gray. The message can be acknowledged by a TBP in this box. The message can also be acknowledged by pressing the Message Ack button on the RA-position keyboard. When a message is acknowledged, the UA View is placed at the top of the RA-Position display and shows the message. The Channel Mode Banner is displayed just below the toolbar menu buttons when the current channel is in PENDING or TEST mode. It displays the status of the current channel in red text on a black background. RA-Position views that have a title bar at the top contain the following pick areas: View Title: identifies the view and can be used to move the view. Menu (M): button displays the associated view's View Menu. Minimize View (-): button closes the view. When data in a view has not been updated due to an outage, the following indicators are used in the title bar of the view: The view title bar has a yellow background and black text. The word OLD is inserted prior to the view title. For more detailed information refer to Section 4.15, Status View.
  18. Table 2–1 lists the Toolbar buttons available on the RA-Position display, a description, and a pointer to subsequent sections about the functionality of the display or view associated with that button. Table 2–1. Toolbar Buttons Toolbar Button Description Toolbar Location Arrow Adjusts Toolbar position on the display MORE Displays/suppresses the second line of the toolbar ACL Displays or raises/lowers the Aircraft List view DEP Displays or raises/lowers the Departure List view GPD Displays or raises/lowers the Graphic Plan Display view PLANS Displays or raises/lowers the Plans Display view WX REPORT Displays/suppresses the Weather Station Report view SIG Displays/suppresses the SIGMET view NOTAM Displays/suppresses the NOTAM view GI Displays/suppresses the General Information Messages view UA Displays/suppresses the Update Area view CPDLC ADV Displays/suppresses the Advisory View CPDLC HIST Displays/suppresses the Message History view CPDLC MSGOUT Displays/suppresses the Message Out view KEEP ALL When selected, keeps all entries in the ACL and DEP and adds a gray background to the Bookkeeping Box. When de-selected, the current Bookkeeping Box setting is restored (i.e., new entry coding [“N”], check mark, or blank) for each entry. STATUS Displays/suppresses the Status view OUTAGE Displays/suppresses the Outage view TIME (clock) Displays system time NON-ADSB Displays/suppresses the Non-ADSB indicator in the ACL, GPD, and DEP views SAT COMM Enables/disables the display of the SatComm Indicator MSG WAIT Accesses a queued message waiting in the Update Area view WIND Displays or raises/lowers the Wind Grid Display view ALTIM SET Displays/suppresses the Altimeter Settings view MCA Displays/suppresses the Message Composition Area view RA Displays/suppresses the Response Area view FEL Displays/suppresses the Flight Event List view
  19. The RA-Position Toolbar enables the user to display and suppress views at the RA-Position workstation. It also provides: A current count of the number of flights in the Aircraft List and DL. The current time (i.e., Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). A Message Waiting (MSG WAIT) indicator. A Channel Mode Banner. Except for the area taken up by the toolbar, the entire viewable RA-Position workstation monitor screen is available to display system views. Yellow coding is used in a toolbar button to indicate that user action is required for an RA-Position view. For the toolbar shown in Figure 2–1, RA-Position Toolbar – User Action Required (MORE Button Selected), the following yellow coding applies: The SIGMETS (SIG), NOTAMS (NOT), and General Information (GI) buttons: have a yellow border and yellow text when there are unacknowledged entries in their view. Numbers on the buttons indicate the number of unacknowledged entries. STATUS button (yellow background and black text): view is not displayed and the alternate channel indicator has been added or deleted, or the current channel mode has been changed. The user changing from one channel to another will not trigger yellow coding. The OUTAGE button (yellow background and black text): view is not displayed and there is at least one unacknowledged, additional status change(s) and no unacknowledged safety critical service status change(s). The MSG WAIT button: text is yellow indicating that there are messages in the queue waiting to be displayed in the Update Area View. Figure 2–1. RA-Position Toolbar – User Action Required (MORE Button Selected) When no user action is required, toolbar buttons will have a black background and a white label as shown in Figure 2–2, RA-Position Toolbar – No User Action Required (MORE Button Not Selected). The white check mark (√) shown in the toolbar button replaces the number of new entries to indicate that there are no new entries in the respective view. When there are no entries associated with the respective view, the white check mark (√) is removed. Figure 2–2. RA-Position Toolbar – No User Action Required (MORE Button Not Selected) The buttons for “ACL” and “DEP” will show an indicator when the associated display has at least one flight entry that contains an unacknowledged UTM. Figure 2–3, RA-Position Toolbar – Unacknowledged UTMs (MORE Button Not Selected), shows the first row of the Toolbar as it would appear if there is at least one unacknowledged UTM in the ACL and the DL. Figure 2–3. RA-Position Toolbar – Unacknowledged UTMs (MORE Button Not Selected) The RA-Position Toolbar is always displayed and no other display can overlap it. The toolbar can be moved only to the top or bottom of the monitor. If the toolbar is at the top of the monitor, a down-pointing Location Arrow is shown. TBP the down-pointed Location Arrow moves the toolbar to the bottom of the monitor and an up-pointing arrow is then displayed. When the toolbar is at the bottom of the monitor, TBP the up-pointed Location Arrow moves the toolbar to the top of the monitor. The names of the RA-Position Toolbar buttons are listed in the table below. Each toolbar button serves as a toggle to minimize or maximize each RA-Position view except for the following, which are used to raise or lower the respective view: ACL (Aircraft List) DEP (Departure List) GPD (Graphic Plan Display) PLANS (Plans Display) WIND (Wind Grid Display) Resting the trackball cursor over a toolbar button provides a trackball cursor selection emphasis box. To display a view that is not currently displayed, TBP on its respective toolbar button. Areas in the toolbar that are not pickable do not receive a trackball cursor selection emphasis box. When the user attempts to pick a non-pickable area, the system displays a trackball Invalid Selection Cursor.
  20. como podemos transportar passageiros de um aeroporto para outtro na poscon
  21. Mine has been canceled to.
  22. Do I need to download to be a pilot
  23. Command Additional Parameters Command Examples AM - Altitude Amendment CPDLC fields: /U - Uplink /PD; /IMM; /EXP - pilot’s discretion, immediately, expedite /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather NOTE: The altitude field (e.g., ALT 230) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. AM 234 ALT 120 /U AM 234/OK ALT 120 /U AM UAL232 /U ALT 230 /PD/WX AM UAL232 /PD/WX ALT 230 /U AM UAL232 /PD /U /WX ALT 230 CO - Suppress Conflic Alert Pair none CO UAL110/UAL312 (/ delimiter) DM - Departure Message Altitude (values = OTP/(d)dd,VFR/(d)dd,ABV/(d)d d, (d)dd/fix/(d)dd), Departure point, for example, /IND, /OK (logic check override) where /OK must be suffixed at the end of flight ID field if used DM AAL320 DM 035 DM AAL320 STL DM AAL320* DM 035* DM AAL230 SFO* DM AAL320 SFO* 1845 230 DM AAL320 SFO*/OK 1845 230 DM 030 150 DM 030 1645 DM 1146 1500 160 DM 351/353 DM 342*/333 DM 312*/234* DM UAL123*/UAL887 ED - CPDLC Terminate Session ED AAL345 ED 456 ED 4456 MW - Manual Swap /OK (logic check override), when swap requests are across more than one list MW UAL123/AAL321 MW 234/345 MW 1450/1543 MW UAL123/AAL321 /OK QA - Select Auto Handoff none QA UAL36 QA /UAL36 QA JFK ABC QA UAL22/UAL212 QA 213/654 QB - Discrete Code Request /OK (logic check override) QB 367 QB /367 QB /OK AAL12 QB 367/234 QB AAL123/UAL345 QF - Flight Plan none QF 123 QF R 123 QF UAL123 QF /123 QF /UAL123 QF 123/456 QF UAL123/AAL456 QF R 123/456 QF D - Flight Plan CPDLC Session Correlation none QF D 123 QF D UAL123 QH - Hold /OK (logic check override), Hold Data (fix/time, for example, COL/2235) /U, Uplink Message QH C /OK UAL212 QH ABC UAL112 QH ABC 123 QH ABC/1450 /123 QH 347 QH C UAL112/AAL234 QH C 123/256 QH ABC UAL123/AAL222 QH ABC 123/299 QH ABC/1450 123/1126 QH 347/123 QH /U SEEDS UAL102 QH /U SEEDS/2030 UAL102 QH /U SEEDS 180/LT/5MIN 870 QH /U SEEDS/2030 180/LT/5MIN 870 QH - Update EFC-Only /U, Uplink Message QH 2045 UAL102 QH /U 2045 UAL102 QN,QZ - Toggle On-Frequency (cannot be combined with a QZ Uplink Command) none QN // AAL1254 QN //AAL1254 QZ // AAL1254 QZ //AAL1254 The space after // is optional QN,QZ - Initiate Handoff (cannot be combined with a QZ Uplink Command) /OK (logic check override) QZ 08 /OK 122 JFK 122 08 /122 QZ L31 /122 21 /OK 123 QZ JFK UAL123 08 UAL365 L31 /UAL365 QZ 08 /UAL365 QZ 08 122/187 QZ JFK UAL123/AAL655 08 122/187 L31 UAL123/UAL887 08 122/234 QN,QZ - Offset Data Block (cannot be combined with a QZ Uplink Command) Direction/Length or /Length where direction = 1-9 and length = 0-3,5 QZ 8 122 8/3 122 8 /122 QZ /3 /122 2/1 123 QZ 3 UAL123 8 UAL365 1 /UAL365 QZ 8 /UAL365 QZ 8 122/187 QZ 8 UAL123/AAL655 8 122/187 1 UAL123/UAL887 8 122/234 QP - Pointout none QP 08 122 QP 08 /122 QP 08 UAL112 QP 31 /UAL123 QP 08 122/187 QP 08 UAL123/AAL655 QP - Request/Suppress Data Block none QP 122 QP /122 QP UAL112 QP /UAL123 QP 122/187 QP UAL123/AAL655 QP A - Acknowledge Point Out none QP A 121 QP A /122 QP A UAL321 QP A /UAL432 QP A 012/123 QP A UAL321/AAL456 QP A 124/UAL789 QP R - Suppress MRP View Entry none QP R UAL110 QP R 312 QP R UAL110/AAL123 QP R 312/122 QP R 213/UAL123 QP J - Halo none QP J 122 QP J /122 QP J UAL112 QP J /UAL123 QP J 122/187 QP J UAL123/AAL655 QQ - Amend interim Altitude /TT or other adapted two characters QQ 130 312 QQ /TT 130 312 QQ 170 /UAL456 QQ 190 2135 QQ R350 514 QQ 130 312/443 QQ 170 UAL456/AAl234 QQ 190 2135/145 QQ R350 514/777 QQ - Amend and Uplink Interim Altitude CPDLC fields: /U - Uplink /PD; /IMM; /EXP - pilot’s discretion, immediately, expedite /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather NOTE: The CPDLC fields can be entered in any order between the command field 01 (e.g., QQ) and the FLID. Non-CPDLC fields (e.g., altitude) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. QQ 210 /U 334 QQ /U 210 /IMM/WX 334 QQ /PD /U 240 UAL123 QQ 210 /U/EXP/TFC 334 QQ /IMM /U 240 /RES UAL123 QQ /U 270 /WX/PD 133 QQ - Delete Interim Altitude /TT or other adapted two characters QQ /514 QQ 312 QQ UAL888 QQ 312/676 QQ UAL123/UAL998 QQ P - Enter/Update Procedure Altitude /TT or other adapted two characters QQ P 130 312 QQ P 130 /TT 312 QQ P 170 /UAL456 QQ P 190 2135 QQ P 130 312/443 QQ P 170 UAL456/AAL234 QQ P 190 2135/145 QQ - Delete Procedure Altitude /TT or other adapted two characters QQ /514 QQ 312 QQ UAL888 QQ 312/676 QQ UAL123/UAL998 QQ L - Amend Local Interim Altitude /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override QQ L290 QQ L - Amend and Uplink Local Interim Altitude CPDLC fields: /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override /U - Uplink /PD; /IMM; /EXP - pilot’s discretion, immediately, expedite /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather NOTE: The CPDLC fields can be entered in any order between the command field 01 (e.g., QQ) and the FLID. Non-CPDLC fields (e.g., altitude) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. QQ L130 /U 312 QQ /U L130 UAL456 QQ L130 /PD /U 312 QQ /IMM /U L130 /RES 312 QQ /EXP /U /TFC L130 UAL123 QQ L - Delete Local Interim Altitude /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override QQ L 312 QQ L UAL123 QQ L - Uplink Delete Local Interim Altitude /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override /U - Uplink QQ L /U 312 QQ L /U UAL123 QQ W - Uplink Waiver Altitude CPDLC fields: /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override /U - Uplink /PD; /IMM; /EXP - pilot’s discretion, immediately, expedite /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather NOTE: The CPDLC fields can be entered in any order between the command field 01 (e.g., QQ) and the FLID. Non-CPDLC fields (e.g., altitude) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. QQ W /U AAL123 QQ /EXP /U 312 QQ /IMM W /U 312 QQ /PD /U W AAL123 QS - 4th Line Speed/Heading/Free Form Text Heading/speed; deletion of 4th line data (*/,/*) QS 330/81 UAL110 QS 330/81 312 QS 330 312 QS /330 312 QS */ 312 QS /* 312 QS 0ABCDEF 312 QS 330/81 UAL110/UAL234 QS 330/81 312/454 QS 330 312/453 QS /330 312/453 QS */ 312/453 QS /* 312/453 QS 0ABCDEF 312/453 QT * - Assume Unconditional Track Control none QT * 312 QU - Route Display none QU QU 312 QU 30 312 QU /312 QU /UAL123 QU AAL123 QU 312/767 QU 30 312/555 QU 30 AAL123/AAL167 QU - Route Amendment CPDLC fields: /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override /U - Uplink /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather /FRC - Full Route Clearance Indicator NOTE: The CPDLC fields can be entered in any order between the command field 01 (e.g., QU) and the FLID. Non-CPDLC fields (e.g., fix) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. QU TEAKK /U/TFC/FRC 334 QU /FRC TEAKK /U/WX 334 QU /FRC /U MEM120050 GNATT /WX 334 QU NEHOW /U/RES UAL123 QU /U /RES TEAKK UAL123 QU /OK GNATT /U/WX/FRC 334 QX - Drop Track QX 312 QX AAL123 QX FP - Flight Cancellation Update QX FP 312 QX FP AAL123 QX /R - Surrender Control QX /R 312 QX /R AAL123 QZ - Assigned Alt /OK (logic check override), Altitude (values = OTP/ddd,VFR/ddd,ABV/ddd, ddd/fix/ddd /U (uplink) the QZ uplink command may not be combined with the Initiate Handoff, Offset Direction, or the Toggle On-Frequency actions. QZ 130 312 QZ /OK 130 312 QZ 170 /UAL456 QZ 190 2135 QZ 190/ABC/210 556 QZ 350B390 514 QZ OTP/350 455 QZ VFR/100 455 QZ ABV/390 455 QZ 130 312/454 QZ 190 2135/234 QZ 350B390 514/567 QZ OTP/350 455/UAL123 QZ VFR/100 455/450 QZ ABV/390 455/2312 QZ OTP/190 A1/UAL123 QZ 190/ABC/210 556/UAL11 QZ - Assigned Alt with Uplink The QZ uplink command may not be combined with the Initiate Handoff, Offset Direction, or the Toggle On-Frequency actions. /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override. CPDLC fields: /OK (logic check override) — when flight is controlled in local facility, non-controlling sectors require an override /U - Uplink /PD; /IMM; /EXP - pilot’s discretion, immediately, expedite /TFC; /RES; /WX - due to traffic, due to airspace restriction, due to weather NOTE: The CPDLC fields can be entered in any order between the command field 01 (e.g., QZ) and the FLID. Non-CPDLC fields (e.g., altitude) can be typed between the CPDLC fields delineated with spaces. Spaces are optional between CPDLC fields. QZ 310 /U 334 QZ /PD 310 /U 334 QZ /IMM /U /RES 220 UAL123 QZ /OK 310 /U 334 QZ /U /IMM 210 /WX 334 QZ /PD /U 240 UAL123 QZ /EXP/TFC 210 /U 334 QZ /IMM /U /RES 240 UAL123 RE - Release CPDLC Eligibility RE AAL456 RE 345 RE 3445 SD - Initiate CPDLC Session SD AAL123 SD 356 SD 4566 SG - Suppress none SG A NERD2/REF3 SG A 097/352 SG A 4324/2747 (change from existing syntax because the / delimiter replaced the space that was previously used as a delimiter) SQ - Resequence /OK (logic check override), when resequence requests are across more than one list SQ UAL123/AAL321/DAL456 SQ 234/345 SQ 1450/1543 SQ UAL123/AAL321 /OK SX - Steal Eligibility SX AAL123 SX 456 SX 4456 UA - Uplink Altimeter UA AAL456 UA 345 UA 3445 UA CRP AAL456 UA CRP 345 UA CRP 3445 UC - Uplink Crossing UC BRRNS A240 AAL456 UC BRRNS A240 345 UC BRRNS A240 M.75 AAL456 UC CATTT A140 S250 AAL456 UF - Uplink Frequency UF UAL123 UF 118.25 UAL123 UF 26 UAL123 UF ZFW 122.5 UAL123 UF ZFW42 UAL123 UF ZWY ED UAL123 UF ED ZWY UAL123 UF ZWY ED RT UAL123 UF ED RT ZWY UAL123 UF ZWY UAL123 UF ZWY 119.5 ED UAL123 UF ZWY 6608 AAL123 UF AIA UAL123 UF AIA 118.5 UAL123 UF AIA1w UAL123 UG - Uplink Assigned Altitude UG /CAA AAL345 UG /CAA 234 UG /CAA 2334 UH - Release Held TOC UH ZHU/42 124.2 AAL234 UH 98 124.2 AAL234 UH ZHU/42 124.2 AAL234 UH ZHU/42 124.2 AAL234 UH ZWY 6640 AAL234 UM - Advisory Messages /S - Create, Amend, or Save Advisory Message /F - Freetext Message /U - Uplink Advisory Message /D - Delete Advisory Message UM /S CHOP230� SEVERE CHOP REPORTED OVER MARCS AT FL230 UM /F ADVISE WHEN ABLE DIRECT MEM� AAL232 UM /U CHOP230� AAL232 UM /D CHOP230
  24. NOTE: This is a combined list of Radar/Radar associate functions and message composition. Some entries are not available from either the R or RA Position. Track Ball Enter (TBE) may be used interchangeably with FLID for most R Position entries. Purpose Function Key Message Type Command Entered VCI (Voice Communication Indicator) QN/QZ QN // FLID or QZ // FLID (Adds or removed VCI from FDB and EDST) Display Longitudinal Scale LS (Mileage Optional) 1-20 TBE at desired location or TBP and KBE for orientation To delete, re-enter LS Delete Member from Metering List PVD QP M FLID (Up to 5 Aircraft) (TBP not Allowed) Surveillance Sort Cell Readout RSB KA TBE to Indetify Sort Cell LAT/LONG RSB KB TBE to Identify LAT/LONG Range/Bearing Readout RNG BRG LA TBP and TBE (Magnetic Heading) or TBP TBP T KBE (True Heading) Range/Bearing Readout w/Speed RNG BRG LA TBP TBP /Speed (055/999) (Time to Fly from Point A to B at Desired Speed) Range/Bearing/FIX Readout RNG BRG LB FIX TBE on Aircraft Position Symbol FIX/Time Readout RNG BRG LC FIX/Time TBE on Aircraft Position Symbol Route of Flight FIX/Time Readout RNG BRG LD FIX FLID (Displays what Time Aircraft will be at FIX) Route of Flight FIX/Time/Speed Adjustment Readout RNG BRG LE FIX/Time TBE or FLID (Desired Time to Cross FIX) Gives speed adjustment ± knots to increase or reduce ground speed for desired results Send Flight Plan Readout to R CRD From RA Position QF FLID Manually Swap 2 Aircraft in Metering List MW FLID FLID Re-Sequence 2-5 Aircraft in Metering List SQ FLID FLID (Up to 5 Aircraft) (Input FLIDs in Desired Order) Change a Field or Fields on a Flight AM AM Location ID EXX00 Location ID..FIX FLID 06/FIX 07/TIM 10/RTE (11/RMK) Insert or Change a Departure Point AM AM FLID 10/RTE Departure FIX↑ or 06/FIX Departure FIX 10/RTE Departure FIX↑ Insert a Delay at a Fix AM FLID 10/RTE FIX/D0+00 (FIX/Dh+mm) Request Display of Altimeter Settings AR Location ID Location ID (Up to 4 IDs) Enter Altimeter Settings AS Time Location ID 3 Digit Altimeter (992) Suppress or Un-Suppress E−MSAW Alerts Indefinitely CA CO *I (Indefinite) FLID Displays MIFF in Data Block (This Action is a Toggle, to Enable, Re-Enter Command) Suppress or Un-Suppress a Specific E−MSAW Alert CA CO *S (Specific) FLID Displays MOFF in Data Block (This Action is a Toggle, to Enable, Re-Enter Command) Enable a VFR Flight for E-MSAW Processing CA CO *VO FLID (This entry is required for VFR emergency aircraft and VFR aircraft encountering weather difficulty not Squawking 7700) Suppress a VFR Flight from E-MSAW Processing CA CO *VF FLID Suppress/Request Conflict Alert Pair CA CO FLID/FLID Enter Departure Time and Optionally Amended Altitude DM DM FLID (TIM) (ALT) Request the Assignment of a Discrete Code CODE DQ FLID File Proposed Flight Plan Data FP FP 02/FLID 03/TYP 04/BCN 05/SPD 06/FIX 07/TIM 09/RAL 10/RTE (11/RMK) File Active Flight Plan Data FP FP 02/FLID 03/TYP 04/BCN 05/SPD 06/FIX 07/TIM 08/ALT 10/RTE (11/RMK) Request or Print Flight Plan Data FR QF (R Position) R Position QF FLID or RA Position FR FLID (P) (RA Position only if printing) Request or Print ICAO Flight Plan Data FR QF/FR R Position QF I FLID or RA Position FR I FLID (P) (RA Position only if printing) Display all Flight Plans for a Single Call Sign FR QF/FR QF * AID or FR AID * Freeze Track QH F FLID To Unfreeze QT FLID Present Position Hold QH/HM QH P FLID or QH P/1234 (EFC) FLID QH P/1234 NW/LT/20NM (EFC + Holding instructions) FLID Change EFC Time QH/HM QH 1234 FLID Hold at FIX QH/HM QH FIX FLID or QH FIX/1234 (EFC) FLID QH FIX/1234 NW/LT/20NM (EFC + Holding instructions) FLID Cancel Hold QH/HM QH C FLID or HM FLID C Generate/Adjust Instrument Approach Count IC Airport ON, OFF or AUTO or Type+01 (GA+01) (GA = General Aviation / MI = Military / AC = Air Carrier / AT = Air Taxi) Sign In SISO SI User ID Crew Number (Prefset) User Invoke UI User ID (Prefset) Sign Out Multi Func/SISO SO User ID Crew Number Time Update an Active Flight PR FLID FIX/(Time) Request a Map MR Sector Number Map Identification Enter and Print Mission Plan MP dd*d (printer number*number of copies) 02/FLID 03/TYP 05/SPD 06/FIX 07/TIM 08/ALT 10/RTE 11/RMK Terminate Printing Mission Plan MP FLID Request Flight Plan Data Transfer RF RF FLID Location ID Force Route Conversion for a Flight Plan RM FLID Remove Flight Plan and Track from the System RS RS/QX FP FLID Must confirm by entering Y Remove Flight Plan from Local Facility but not Adjacent RX FLID Must confirm by entering Y Suppress a C/A Group CA CO FLID/FLID Add an Existing Suppress Group at a Sector SG SG A Group ID Delete a Suppress Group at a Sector SG SG D Group ID Create Suppression Group SG SG FLID/FLID/FLID (Up to 15) Add Member/s to Suppressed Group SG SG A Group ID FLID/FLID (Up to 15) Delete Members of Suppressed Group SG SG D Group ID FLID/FLID (Up to 15) Enter Abbreviated Flight Plan SP 02/FLID (03/TYP) (05/SPD) 07/TIM (08/ALT or 09/RAL) 10/RTE- ex:FOX7 (11/RMK) Request Strip SR SR FLID FIX or Strip Number Sector Number or Facility FLID /T Printer Number (Prints Most Relevant Sector Strip) FLID /A(Sector Number) Printer Number (Prints All Sector Strips) Adjust Traffic Count TC GADD+001 to 999 (DD=Domestic Departure) MIDO+001 to 999 (DO= Domestic Over) GA = General Aviation / MI = Military / AC = Air Carrier / AT = Air Taxi) Print Test Strip TD P Request Upper Winds UR (Alt) Location ID or TBE Request Weather Display WR WR Location ID (Up to 3) Displays in Weather View R Location ID Displays in R Position Response Area P Location ID to Print (RA or A Position Only) Enter Weather WX Location ID Time Clear WX symbol (No Space) Wind VIS SKY COND TEMP/DP RMK Emergency Airport Display AI Location ID or TBE from R Position Select/Inhibit Automatic H/O AUTO QA Sector number or facility to inhibit all automated H/O's to that sector or facility or FLID for a single AC Discrete Code Request CODE QB FLID Equipment Qualifier Modification CODE QB Equipment Qualifier (/G) FLID (Use Only with Non - ICAO AC or AC with no SIDS/STARS) Code Insert or Delete CODE QB Desired Code (1200) Modify Altitude Limits CRD QD Desired Altitude Limits (Changes Radar Display Filter Limits) Altimeter Requests CRD QD Location ID (Up to 4) Create CRR LF //FIX (Fix Abbreviation) Add or Delete Aircraft to CRR LF FIX or Fix Abbreviation FLID/FLID (Up to 4) Side Stream Handoff Facility and Sector Number FLID Accept Handoff FLID Initiate Handoff Sector Number/Facility FLID or Facility and Sector Number FLID Data Block Offset Offset Direction FLID (Position 5 is Computer Default Position) Drop Data Block FLID Point Out PVD QP Sector Number FLID or Facility and Sector Number FLID Acknowledge a Point Out PVD QP A FLID Request/Suppress PVD QP FLID Distance Reference Indicator HALO QP J FLID or J 3 FLID for Reduced Separation Reference Indicator Interim Altitude INT QQ Altitude FLID Local Interim Altitude INT QQ L(No space)Altitude FLID To Remove L FLID Procedure Altitude INT QQ P(No space)Altitude FLID (Used to indicate an aircraft has been cleared for a procedure altitude climb or descent) Reported Altitude RPT QR Altitude FLID or FLID only will Report Level at Field 8 Altitude FDB Heading, Speed and Free Form Text 4th Line 4th line QS Heading (ddd), Speed (/ddd) or Free Form Text (Clear WX Symbol used on Free Form Text Only ○NORDO FLID) Delete 4th Line Info 4th Line QS */ FLID deletes heading /* FLID deletes speed * FLID deletes all info FLID only hides info and is indicated by ↓ after speed in data block Track Primary QT P FLID Controller Initiated Coast Track CST QT CT (Speed) (Heading) FLID or P FLID (To Track Primary) Start Track TRK QT (Speed) (Altitude) (Heading) TBP or //FIX (P To Track Primary) (/EXX00 to Assign Beacon Code) FLID Force Pairing QT D TBP FLID (Forces Data Block to Track a Target) Unconditional Track Control QT QT * FLID (Acquire Track Control Regardless of Track Status) Surrender Track Control DROP TRK QX QX R FLID (Used to Drop an FDB but Flight Remains Paired to the Track Leaving a Paired LDB) Convert Point Out Track QT C FLID (This action gives the receiving controller Track Control of PVD data block from another center) Track Reroute RTE QU FIX, Fix Radial Distance or LAT/LONG FLID or TBP TBP FIX (↓ Optional) FLID Route Display Time RTE QU FLID (Default 20 Minutes) or 1 to 99 FLID (Displays Number of Minutes Requested) Quick Vector (Vector lines must be displayed) QV Speed (S01-3700) Heading (2 digits) FLID Drop Track DROP TRK QX FLID Assigned Altitude ALT QZ Altitude FLID Assigned Altitude TRK QT Altitude FLID Altitude Until Future Altitude AM FLID 08/ALT ALT/FIX/ALT (350/MEM/360) Data block will show 350F then at MEM will show climbing to 360 Logic Check Override /OK /OK to Gain Track Control or Amend Data Blocks/ Flight Plans that are not your control (Use with Caution) ex: QT /OK FLID Enter Abbreviated VFR Flight Plan VP VP TYP FIX (..FIX) FLID Sector Airspace Assignment Request RC KBE = FAV for sectors in entire facility or Sector Number = FAV's sector (RA, A and ATWS Only) Save a User Preference Set US Operating Initials Pref Set Name KBE then Password KBE Password Change PW Operating Initials KBE then Current PW/New PW/New PW KBE The following functions are in addition to the methods described above and are accomplished with the ALT Key. Accept Handoff ALT QZ FLID or Altitude FLID Initiate Handoff ALT QZ Sector Number FLID Data Block Offset ALT QZ Offset Direction Assigned Altitude FLID Accept H/O, Assign ALT and/or Offset Data Block ALT QZ Altitude FLID or Offset FLID or Offset Altitude FLID
  25. 1.4.10 Logging In and Out. Reserved. 1.4.11 See All Function. Reserved. See All Command Format. Reserved.
  26. The Sign-In/Sign-Out (SISO) function allows users to sign in and sign out of positions in the system. These positions include the R-position, RA-position, and A-positions. The commands to sign in (SI command) or sign out (SO command) a user can be entered from either an R-position, RA-position, A-position, or AT Specialist position. A user can be signed in as a controller, handoff controller, or special role user. Special role users include trainee, evaluator, certification, familiarization, and spare. Special role users must be signed in with a controller, and the association between a controller and special role user at a position is called a controller/ special role user pair. A handoff controller is an independent user and is not associated, or paired, with a controller or special role user. A special role user can only be signed into one R- or RA-position at a time, and an R- or RA-position can have only one signed in special role user at a time. A special role user cannot be signed into an A-position. Also a special role user cannot be signed into a position unless a controller is also signed into that position. The symbols used when signing in a special role user are: “.” - evaluator “*” - certification “+” - familiarization “-” - spare When a user is signed into the system: and another user signs in at the same position as the same type (i.e., controller), the original user will be signed out at the position. and the same user signs in at a different position, the user will be signed out at the original position, and re-signed in at the new position. and the same user signs in at the same position but as a different type (i.e., controller versus handoff controller), the user will be signed out at the position, and re-signed in at the same position. and the same user signs in at the same position as the same type but with a different crew number, the user will be signed out at the position, and re-signed in at the same position. Online reports can be requested to report on the various SISO activities (SS command). These reports include a sign in and sign out report formatted for the FSP assigned to the affected position. The SS command (Sector Summary) can be requested from the RA-position, A-position, or AT Specialist Workstation. The format is: QP SS <sector or operating initials> Sector Summary Reports produced include the special roles. SI Command Format Depending on the type of user being signed in, the format of the SI Command changes (see the table below, SI Command Format). Type of User Format Example Controller only SI SI SO Command Format Depending on the type of user being signed out, the format of the SO Command changes (see the table below, SO Command Format). Type of user Format Example Controller only SO SO
  27. Semantic checking determines whether the current state of the system allows the message to be performed. If not, the system generates a semantic error. An example of a semantic error is an attempt to See-All a sector that is also performing a See-All. Semantic error messages are displayed in the Feedback Area. The message in error is not retained in the Preview Area.
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