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C - "Charlie"
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Is the name given to the VHF radio frequency used for air-to-air communication at non-towered airports.

Many towered airports close their towers overnight, keeping the airport open for cargo operations and other activity. Pilots use the common frequency to coordinate their arrivals and departures safely, giving position reports and acknowledging other aircraft in the airfield traffic pattern.

Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


POSCON utilizes CBT modules for various generic training courses. These modules can be accessed by clicking on your avatar in the HQ and then clicking on the "Training" tab.


Compliance Timer
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


This is a self-help moderation tool available to ATC on POSCON. It is used if an ATC has exhausted all other options available to them in order to achieve pilot compliance.


  • ATC initiates a command that sends the pilot user a moderator and CPDLC message stating: "You are not in compliance with ATC instructions, please contact ATC on frequency [frequency of ATC user that initiated the timer] immediately to resolve the issue. You have 3 minutes to comply."
  • If a second command is sent by any ATC within 3 minutes, then the pilot user receives a second moderator and CPDLC message: "Thank you for your cooperation, compliance timer canceled."
  • If no action is taken by ATC within 3 minutes, then the pilot user is force ghosted with a moderator and CPDLC message stating: "You have been force ghosted as a result of non-compliance with ATC instructions. You must request unghost and be approved by ATC."
  • The POSCON server remembers the pilot user's state even if user logs offline and the subsequently reconnects.
  • The pilot can request to unghost and any ATC can approve the unghost request using a command.
  • If the pilot user requests unghost, and no ATC is online to approve the unghost request, then they are automatically unghost approved after 3 minutes.
  • If the pilot user requests unghost, but ATC uses the denial command, then the pilot is locked out of requesting unghost again for 15 minutes.
Controlled Airfield
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Any airfield that is:

  • Controlled by ATC in the real world; and
  • The current time falls within normal airfield/airspace operating times; and
  • POSCON ATC is online to handle the flight.
Controlled Airspace
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Airspace that is staffed by POSCON ATC.

(ICAO) Controlled Airspace (CAS)
Revision: 20 Jun 2022


Refers to airspace that is controlled and operated by Air Traffic Control.

Controller Pilot Data-Link Communications (CPDLC)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


 A method by which air traffic controllers can communicate with pilots over a datalink system. On POSCON, CPDLC can be accessed by going to the Pilot Client Web UI.

Revision: 20 Mar 2022


Internal communications between two or more ATC for the purpose of providing safe and efficient air traffic services. The communications can be either advisory, obligatory, or transactional in nature. In the case of transactional communications, one ATC requests something and the other approves or denies the request.

Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores, and accompanied or mishandled baggage.

Category I Instrument Approach
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


A Category I instrument approach is any authorized precision or nonprecision instrument approach which is conducted with a minimum height for IFR flights not less than 200 feet (60 meters) above the touchdown zone and a minimum visibility/RVV not less than 1/2 statute mile or RVR 1800 (for helicopters, 1/4 statute mile or RVR 1600).

Cease and Desist Order
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


An order issued by the Manager of AOC if Ops Inspectors determine that major adjustments are needed to the requested Ops Specs in order for the Virtual Operator to remain in compliance.

Certificate Holder
Revision: 21 Feb 2022

Certificate Holder

In these operations specifications, the term "certificate holder" shall mean the holder of the certificate described in Part A paragraph A001 and any of its officers, employees, or agents used in the conduct of operations under these operations specifications.

Class I Navigation
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Class I navigation is any en route flight operation or portion of an operation that is conducted entirely within the designated Operational Service Volumes (or ICAO equivalents) of ICAO standard airway navigation facilities (VOR, VOR/DME, NDB). Class I navigation also includes en route flight operations over routes designated with a "MEA GAP” (or ICAO equivalent). En route flight operations conducted within these areas are defined as “Class I navigation” operations irrespective of the navigation means used. Class I navigation includes operations within these areas using pilotage or any other means of navigation which does not rely on the use of VOR, VOR/DME, or NDB.

Class II Navigation
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Class II navigation is any en route flight operation which is not defined as Class I navigation. Class II navigation is any en route flight operation or portion of an en route operation (irrespective of the means of navigation) which takes place outside (beyond) the designated Operational Service Volume (or ICAO equivalents) of ICAO standard airway navigation facilities (VOR, VOR/DME, NDB). However, Class II navigation does not include en route flight operations over routes designated with an "MEA GAP" (or ICAO equivalent).

Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


A CDTI is a generic display that provides a flightcrew with surveillance information about other aircraft including their position. Traffic information for a CDTI may be obtained from one or multiple sources (including ADS-B, TCAS, and traffic information services) to provide improved awareness of proximate aircraft and as an aid to visual acquisition as part of the normal see and avoid operations both in the air and on the ground.


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