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R - "Romeo"

Raw Terrain
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Raw terrain is devoid of any person, structure, vehicle or vessel.


Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


RAIM is a function that considers the availability of satisfactory signal integrity broadcasted from the particular GPS satellites used during a given flight. Onboard GPS navigators accomplish this automatically as the aircraft proceeds along its route. When insufficient signal integrity is detected an alarm is provided to the flightcrew. Using the predictive RAIM software flightcrews and dispatchers know in advance whether or not suitable GPS navigation will be available throughout the flight. This predictive information may also be determined during flight planning by contacting an FAA Flight Service Station.


Reliable Fix
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


A "reliable fix" means station passage of a VOR, VORTAC, or NDB. A reliable fix also includes a VOR/DME fix, an NDB/DME fix, a VOR intersection, an NDB intersection, and a VOR/NDB intersection provided course guidance is available from one of the facilities, and the fix lies within the designated operational service volumes of both facilities which define the fix.


Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


A statement of navigation performance necessary for operations within a defined airspace.


Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Time Limit
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Applies to aircraft equipped with INS or IRU systems where those systems provide the means of navigation to navigate to the degree of accuracy required by ATC. The FAA-approved time in hours--after the system is placed in navigation mode or is updated en route--that the specific INS or IRU make/model can meet a specific RNP type on a 95% probability basis. It is used to establish the area of operations or routes on which the aircraft/navigation system is qualified to operate.


Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Type
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


A value typically expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended position within which an aircraft would be for at least 95 percent of the total flying time. For example, RNP-4 represents a lateral and longitudinal navigation accuracy of 4 nm on a 95 percent basis. Note: Applications of RNP to terminal area and other operations may also include a vertical component.


Revision Order
Revision: 21 Feb 2022


An order issued by the Manager of AOC if Ops Inspectors find that minor adjustments are needed to the requested Ops Specs in order for the Virtual Operator to remain in compliance.


Revision: 21 Feb 2022


Area navigation (RNAV) (GPS) PRM approach that may be substituted for an ILS PRM or LDA PRM approach and is procedurally equivalent.


Revision: 09 Mar 2022


Roles are essentially permission sets for each Sector. Each Sector has multiple roles which are available to users; however, the server requires each controller to have a specific role authorization for any sector they sign into. If a user does not have the proper authorization, the Sign-In (SI) and Combine Sector (CS) functions will not work. Only one role can be occupied at any given time.

  • "R" = Radar
    • Can perform radar functions (e.g. radar and data block manipulation).
    • Can perform limited flight data functions (e.g. flight plan amendments, route verification, etc.).
  • "O" = Observer (Not available yet)
  • "D" = Data
    • Currently, this only allows a user to make flight plan amendments.
  • "I" = Instructor (Not available yet)
  • "S" = Supervisor (Not available yet)
  • "N" = Next to be Active
    • Also known as the “Relieving Controller” this position is a queue for the “R” or “D” Role for a given sector.

Revision: 21 Feb 2022


In these operations specifications the term "runway" in the case of land airports, water airports and heliports, and helipads shall mean that portion of the surface intended for the takeoff and landing of land airplanes, seaplanes, or rotorcraft, as appropriate.


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