Global Terms
Master List
Phonetically Sorted
A - "Alpha"
B - "Bravo"
C - "Charlie"
D - "Delta"
E - "Echo"
F - "Foxtrot"
G - "Golf"
H - "Hotel"
I - "India"
J - "Juliett"
K - "Kilo"
L - "Lima"
M - "Mike"
N - "November"
O - "Oscar"
P - "Papa"
Q - "Quebec"
R - "Romeo"
S - "Sierra"
T - "Tango"
U - "Uniform"
V - "Victor"
W - "Whiskey"
X - "Xray"
Y - "Yankee"
Z - "Zulu"
J - "Juliett"
Revision: 21 Feb 2022
Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) operational agreements (OPS). The European JAA adopted common operational guidance for all Member States in order to harmonize the rules within those States. The JAR-OPS-1, is part 1 of the operational agreement and comprises the operational requirements applicable to commercial air transportation fixed wing aircraft.