Global Terms
Master List
Phonetically Sorted
A - "Alpha"
B - "Bravo"
C - "Charlie"
D - "Delta"
E - "Echo"
F - "Foxtrot"
G - "Golf"
H - "Hotel"
I - "India"
J - "Juliett"
K - "Kilo"
L - "Lima"
M - "Mike"
N - "November"
O - "Oscar"
P - "Papa"
Q - "Quebec"
R - "Romeo"
S - "Sierra"
T - "Tango"
U - "Uniform"
V - "Victor"
W - "Whiskey"
X - "Xray"
Y - "Yankee"
Z - "Zulu"
W - "Whiskey"
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
Revision: 21 Feb 2022
WAAS has been developed to improve the accuracy, integrity, availability, and reliability of GPS signals. WAAS utilizes a fixed localized ground station to calculate GPS integrity and correction data, then broadcasts this information through the GPS satellites to GPS/WAAS users along with ranging signals. It is a safety critical system consisting of a ground network of reference and integrity monitor data processing sites which assess current GPS performance, as well as a space segment that broadcasts that assessment to GNSS users to support IFR navigation.