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Vahid Navazan

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Everything posted by Vahid Navazan

  1. Hi Mohammad, Thanks for informing us, It's done Regards, Vahid NZ
  2. Guys, we are going to start the group flight at 11:30 ?
  3. Thanks for taking the time to prepare this article, It was amazing.
  4. Dear Mohammad Sadegh, Hello my friend, I hope you're doing well. As I checked this issue is related to google service which is loaded from https://storage.googleapis.com/ and since this service has been blocked in Iran, you will be getting 403 Access Denied error, Please connect to a VPN (you can use browser VPN also) and try again. Regards, V.Navazan
  5. @Andrew Heath Hello Andrew, I've sent the application form and I would be very happy if I could help.
  6. Thanks Mohammad for making this group flight and your invitation, I will be there.

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