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Ralf 1029417

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  1. Might have been shorter than 15min. Interesting that I filed two separate flightplans with different callsigns/flight numbers. When logging back in, I used the new callsign and after landing in Frankfurt, the two trips have been combined to one flight with the flightnumber for the flight back (and with both routes showing as one on the map).
  2. Hm, that is, what I was doing - login inside X-Plane and then flying, the flight plan has been filed and clearance was requested via Web UI. The one flight you mention is the one that states the completion message - but: I flew from EDDF to LOWW directly before the flight back and this one did not count, instead it shows as flight EDDF to EDDF - very weird ? I did another flight after this one again from EDDF to LOWW and that one again is not marked as completed and did not count any passengers. Well, I don't really mind if the points or the pax for the flight, but I do want to know what to do for everything working as expected. I will continue testing different settings as well as filing the FP via different ways (Simbrief, Poscon Website, SimToolkitPro, etc.) - maybe one day I will find the correct way... ? Ralf.
  3. Yep, I discovered, that shutting down the aircraft does not make a difference. By now, I have done a couple of flights and only once I got points for completing a trip. All flights show up as "Activated FP xxxxxx" and give +5. All of the flights recorded as "Wheels off [dep airport]" and "Wheels on [arrival airport]" like this one: Wheels OFF at EDDF 18:02z Wheels ON at LOWW 19:11z Squawk set to 0000 19:12z Disconnected from POSCON 19:33z but only one shows up like this one "Completing Trip LOWW - EDDF as AUA125" and giving +10 (and calculating the passengers on the TRIP page of the airport). Is this behavior dependent from a setting or an aircraft state in the simulator (I am using X-Plane)? Or do I have to trigger something for the completed-message? Last question: is the completed status only applied to flights from and to TRIP-airports? Ralf.
  4. Hi KSI, did you shut down all systems in the a/c? I observed a similar behaviour on my round trip from EDDF to LOWW and back. The First leg from EDDF to LOWW was shown during flight and also recorded as wheels down on LOWW. However the final statement "Completing Trip ..." was missing on my profile page. I checked out/logged out of the system but without having shutdown the a/c completely (as it was on turn around). The second leg back to EDDF was filed as new flight plan, I logged back in, the flight was recorded and after I shutdown the a/c completely in FRA, the trip was recorded, additional 10 points rewarded for completing the trip and the transported passengers also show up in the system. So, for me it seems that you have to put your aircraft into cold and dark mode before logging off to have everything recorded correctly. Greetings, R.

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