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Steve 1029549

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  1. Perfect thanks. I really appreciate the prompt help. Cheers
  2. Sorry to keep bombarding you with stuff but I’m very keen to get going with POSCON. A lot of the answers to the many Qs I have seem to be in the pilot FAQs but many (all?) of the links seem to have moved. Are they still discoverable and if so where.? Thanks and bests. Steve.
  3. Just one more thought. I think (but could be wrong) that you are not able to do this in Vatsim. If so you might usefully make more of it. For new pilots it’s a very attractive feature.
  4. Thanks for the prompt response Maher. That’s great news. Whilst, obviously, the point of POSCON is to be able to fly “publicly” - it’s very helpful to newbies like me to ease ourselves in before doing so. I’m getting quite excited by POSCON as a place to start the next stage of my simming. Great UI btw.
  5. I don't know if this is non sequitor as I'm new to real time ATC but, can I file a flight plan but then chose to be in ghost mode to execute it? Or can I only be in ghost mode if I'm not flying? Sorry if this is obvious, but I guess the advantage is that I could be hearing ATC but not having the stress of trying to execute perfectly. Steve Clarke

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