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  1. I know this is a bit annoying, but I don't have anything particular in mind. My main concern is something that looks more modern and has a UI that doesn't need a 500-page manual. Controllers would love that. (I will admit that I was one of the people in ZNY to use vSTARS, so it's less of a concern to me)
  2. One thing that bugs me a bit: I know you want realism, but controllers will want an ATC client that looks good. It makes them feel better and boosts their morale. Is there any plan for a mode that may not be as realistic, but looks much more modern and appealing to controllers?
  3. One of my major criticisms with VATSIM is that with management, it is very hard to get concerns/ideas to the people who need to know them. How will this be mitigated in POSCON?

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