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Gustav 1030707

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Everything posted by Gustav 1030707

  1. Good Morning. I have asked a question RE a problem with P3D & POSCON but have not received any response via the Forum, Email of Discord yet. I have been testing POSCON with the idea for our VA to join but have any issue with certain aircraft developers like my Coronado Aircraft that spins out of control as soon as I lift off. Once I close the Pilot Client the AC is stable and have no issue . It is not all my the brand like PMDG is stable but some of my other aircraft does this. Coronado is my main Aircraft library. Can someone please contact me via Email [email protected]. Our VA is the South Africa Virtual Air Force (https://www.zavaf.org/ & http://vam.zavaf.org/vam/index.php)
  2. I have P3Dv3. With the POSCON Launcher my aircraft spins and tumbles out of control as if it is deep stalling. As soon as I close the launcher the aircraft flies normal

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