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hunijjang C. (1013126)

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hunijjang C. (1013126) last won the day on June 15 2018

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  1. Hi AJ Thanks a lot you're great answers. Okay, Ignore the first one. Anyway, so If someone wants to create a Division of POSCON, can there're send SOP and Sector files (Euroscope compatible files) by the end of December this year to you? Thanks again Best Regards, Younghoon
  2. Also Please What I really want to say is never to work alone, AJ If actively work, for example, at least get a person who can respond quickly so that they can not be commented or something like them. Best Regards, Younghoon
  3. Hi AJ I made VATSIM Korea Division with some people in 2001 and operated for a long time for a Director. What you need to know precisely and clearly is where everything, like VATSIM or IVAO, should be run for free and not for profit. I know that it will proceed in the future, but it is not good enough to leave only ambiguous answers about it. However, there is a definite answer that will be helpful to those who prepare each Division for something. Even if I was a VATSIM, IVAO, or even a paying service to PilotEdge is not perfect when I have experience. So let me tell you that your personal idea is that your team has a definite beta date and that it will be officially released in the next years. What is certain is that you did not start to make everybody with this? Remember. This is not part of developing any game for the commercial purpose. P.S : Since you are a real pilot, it's probably hard to care much about this project and I am very grateful to you, but I would like to discuss more details in the future and start the Beta schedule as soon as possible or how the each Divisions will do? Currently, Korea Division of POSCON, 42 people are excluding me and you and others one. But I can not add any realistic information to them. Best Regards, Younghoon
  4. Also Korean too!
  5. 해당 모집 후에, 진행 하시는 방법은 각 자의 집에서 온라인 접속하시면 됩니다! 그러므로! FlightSim Expo 2018 장소에 직접 오셔서 참여 하는게 아닙니다 ^^
  6. 안녕하세요~ Khan님! 답변이 너무 많이 늦여서 죄송합니다! 현재 POSCON 네트워크는 아직 개발중이고, 확정은 아니지만 올해 9월~12월쯤 베타를 시작할 것 같습니다. 감사합니다!
  7. 안녕하세요~ POSCON에서 이번 FlightSim Expo2018 때 필요한, 자원봉사자(조종사)를 모집중이라고 합니다! 자세한 글은 POSCON 네트워크 포럼의 Recruiting Volunteer Pilots for FSExpo 2018의 글을 확인하세요! 감사합니다~
  8. 맨위에 제가 글 올렸던 Discord 는 삭제해서 접속 불가합니다~ 차후에 정식으로 지부가 생기거나 적어도 베타 테스트에 포함될때 다시 만들겠습니다~ 미리 공지 안하고 삭제한거라서~ 아무튼 죄송합니다 ^^ 감사합니다.
  9. Yesterday, I talked to benson :) Thanks, Benson!
  10. 안녕하세요~ https://discord.gg/bhXzhAm : 제 Discord 주소입니다~ 누구나 환영하니! 오셔서 의견 나누고 했으면 좋겠습니다 ^^
  11. Hello! Korea Division Please~~~ Thank you.

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