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Eamonn N. (1000004)

Network Directors
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Everything posted by Eamonn N. (1000004)

  1. until
    KJFK TWR will be online!
  2. Only Mahmoud XD
  3. We currently have clients for the XP-series and SimConnect clients (P3D, FSX). Per AJ's post, you can either sign up at the Expo, and 50 will be chosen at random, or a staff member can invite you to join the beta.
  4. Yes, but like, this is more fun. I think
  5. Hi, guys! So, I just got a new feature working on the forums: acronym expansion! For example, if I type out ILS, it should expand when you hover over it to "Instrument Landing System." If it doesn't work, well, I've done messed up. If you see an acronym you want added to the list, or one isn't right, feel free to reply here, or send me a message! Otherwise, if there's a feature you want to see here (custom emojis, anybody?) drop a comment! Thanks, Eamonn

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