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Sam B. (1014352)

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  1. Hi Joshua, The best way would be to "acquire" the software they use in real life to calculate autobrake setting however this is difficult to get and maybe not strictly legal. The next best thing is a landing performance calculator made for flight simulation use, for example TOPCAT. However these programs not always accurate and are not as detailed as the real deal. And finally the method most of us use is just to have a look at the runway length and set it to what we think will work. As for reverser operations, that is usually chosen by the specific airline you are flying, for example British Airways use idle reverse as their standard procedure (no clue why, guessing to preserve the life of the engines) but this may vary between fights and airlines. Simply put, use a landing performance calculator or your eyes to get autobrake setting and if you want reverser setting have a look at the operation for that specific airline. Hope this helps, -Sam

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