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Callum Calcutt

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Fair enough, thank you
  2. I know that i was just wondering how the application will go for becoming ATC
  3. Anybody know how the recruitment will go for becoming atc? I am planning on becoming a pilot and a controller like i am on IVAO, going to move to POSCON and wondering how it will work.
  4. Hey all my online name is cZollo EGLL - London Heathrow Airport I began simming a while ago on FSX, moved to xplane 11 and started using addons like IXEG, FlyJsim 727, Zibo 737, Magknite 787, FFa320, FFa350 and more, i am an aviation enthusiast and I love all kinds of flights like long haul, short haul and VFR

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