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  1. Hi my name is Richard and I have been into aviation (plane spotting) for many years. I still remember as if it was yesterday my dad taking me down to heathrow and the queens building to watch the planes on the weekends. That was almost 30 years ago luckily I still have my dad but the queens building has long gone. I have been into sims for a few years starting with Microsoft 2004 until last year when I went to x-plane 11 and have not looked back. I am new to vatsim and Have done a few flights. I have had both good and bad times with it as some of my flights I feel that some people don't have time for new online low airtime people. I do all my sids and stars and like to follow real time procedures. If I do not fly with vatsim I use fscloud as I do like to fly with others as it gives a better experience. I am looking to the future with a new online atc network. Thanks for looking at my post and fly save. Richard.

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