My name is Artur, I'm 22 years old, from SBZM/SBJF. I'm quite new to flight simulation (got into it around late 2014), but I have been messing around with truck and racing sims for decades. If it's a simulator, chances are I will like it. But I also like to dabble with sysadmin stuff and virtualization. It's a wide range of interests, as you can see.
My favorite airplane is the A320-214. It's such an amazing beast! So complex yet so simple, or, like some say, easy to learn, hard to master. The pinnacle of aviation technology.
My favorite approaches are EDDF 25C, EGGP (both), EHAM 36R and EGJJ (both). Can't have one favorite approach, right?
I haven't played online yet, which I plan to once I build my new rig. My current one is just not up to pair anymore, can hardly cope with offline no-traffic action.
I simulate on FSX, P3D and X-Plane 11. FSX and P3D for tubeliners and XP11 for general aviation, as my computer can't even think of running xp11 airliners.