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Todd Cox

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Everything posted by Todd Cox

  1. Heelo to everyone. I am a retired Navy Air Traffic Controller (26 years) and have controlled under both VATSIM and SATCO (the pre-organization before VATSIM). I also helped along with another gent to write and estblish the VATSIM Special Ops SOPs back in the day. Any help I can give, just let me know.
  2. Sounds cool. Really excited!
  3. Andrew, Thank you again for the discussion at FS Expo. As a longtime VATSIM, SATCO, Eagles ATC member (original ATC group that resulted in the formation of SATCO), and retired controller, I applaud your efforts and vision regarding POSCON. It will be important that people understand that POSCON is not trying emulate the past nor is it trying to imitate an existing group structure; that it is moving things forward for the future. One of your most difficult challenges, however, will be balancing real-world with the whims of virtual pilots and controllers. That was one of the hardest things for SATCO, VATSIM, and IVAO to overcome. Thus, how you develop your rules and training will also be an important part of the overall equation. On the ATC perspective, I agree with TIm. Controller Basics is key. Just like real world, a controller who understands the basics of ATC (vectoring, separation, speeds, altitudes, and basic phraseology) can perform well at any facility. As they move from facility to facility, they only need to understand that facility's procedures and configuation. A controller that does not understand their basics and the reasons behind it will either struggle or not be successful. Keep up the good work. Todd (Nat)

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