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Matthew Campbell (1017208)

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Matthew Campbell (1017208) last won the day on February 1 2022

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  1. until
    Sector: KZJX.ZJX.N.51Booking for KZJX.ZJX.N.51 created on the POSCON HQ.
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    Booking for KZJX.ZJX.N.51 created on the POSCON HQ.
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    Sector: KZMP.ZMP.ZMP.11Booking for KZMP.ZMP.ZMP.11 created on the POSCON HQ.
  4. Anthony, I see your post references anyone, not Real World ATC, I currently am a Terminal Air Traffic Controller in the Midwest but my start to ATC Began far before working with the FAA. I originally started on Vatsim Many Years ago and I understand the difficulty of beginning to start learning ATC as it truly is a steep learning curve. But I believe some of my past experiences can benefit others in the Journey into ATC, Below I've Attached References of Sites to Visits as well as FAA 7110.65 Chapters and Sections that could benefit others. https://www.youtube.com/c/VASAviation - Great Videos and Overviews of Different ATC Scenarios that have occurred in Real World Operations. https://aero.und.edu/aviation/current-students/media.html - Another Great Resource with over 20 Videos that provide in-depth Knowledge and Explanations as well as FAA Order References for Basic and Advanced Terminal Radar Operations. https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/7110.65Z_ATC_Bsc_w_Chg_1_dtd_12-2-21.pdf - Basic the Holy Grail of ATC Operations and Procedures Tower .65 Chapters 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 7 Radar .65 Chapters 1 , 5, 4 and 7 Listening to Air Traffic Operations via https://www.liveatc.net/ and observing the operation with https://www.flightradar24.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq4urPJHPbzOsQsgxYKGd2A - The Air Safety Institute also provides not only an in-depth look at Accidents and Incidents involving Aircraft all around the US but also provides the Perspective of Air Traffic Control. Asking Questions and Creating an open forum for questions In Air Traffic Control I can personally speak for all of us and say that in this job you never stop learning, There are always moments you may have to Reference Sop's or Loa's or the 7110.65 to find the reference you are seeking. Lastly, Always ask questions and never stop learning. Hope this helps.
  5. until
    Sector: KZOA.NCT.B.Q2BBooking for KZOA.NCT.B.Q2B created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. Hello Cam, Happy to see you joined POSCON, Welcome aboard! ATC applications are Currently OPEN. Firstly You need to go to HQ.Poscon.net and link your account. You can do this by, Going to Account Settings, then at the bottom of page select "Link Discord". Once you do this you should receive a prompt and Discord should open and allow you to join the Poscon Discord Server. At Which Point in any open Channel Type ".tag atc_application" and the Poscon Sentinel will send you the most up to date ATC Application Form. The amount of applications is high, and they need to be processed manually to evaluate them currently. Please be patient until you receive the response via email. Have Fun, Matt
  7. until
    Sector: KZLA.ZLA.B.04Booking for KZLA.ZLA.B.04 created on the POSCON HQ.
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    Sector: KZLA.ZLA.B.04Booking for KZLA.ZLA.B.04 created on the POSCON HQ.
  9. until
    Sector: KZLA.ZLA.B.04Booking for KZLA.ZLA.B.04 created on the POSCON HQ.
  10. until
    Booking for KZLA.ZLA.B.04 created on the POSCON HQ.
  11. until
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  12. until
    Sector: KZBW.ZBW.B.37Booking for KZBW.ZBW.B.37 created on the POSCON HQ.
  13. until
    Booking for KZAU.ZAU.NE.26 created on the POSCON HQ.
  14. until
    Sector: KZAU.ZAU.NE.26Booking for KZAU.ZAU.NE.26 created on the POSCON HQ.
  15. until
    Sector: KZLA.ZLA.B.04Booking for KZLA.ZLA.B.04 created on the POSCON HQ.

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