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George B.

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George B. last won the day on August 12 2018

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  1. Ok, yeh I agree with what you are saying. :)
  2. Which is not the idea of this what so ever.
  3. I guess it could be enough, but the whole point of this post was to extend on that and build a system that allowed people to collaborate and help plan an event properly with a high quality system that helped reduce delays and also allows another route if people don't feel like doing ATC or piloting at that specific time.
  4. Can you explain your reasoning behind the comment that it wont be necessary? This system would allow us to make accurate slot times, allow us to regulate the airspace, create restrictions in any of the airpaces to relieve controller workload and to in the end reduce delays.
  5. Refer to my initial post, I explained that this would be more practical for events that predict a high amount of flights rather than this system to be used on a general basis.
  6. I don't really understand what you mean by this. What do you mean "go on strike"? This is literally a planning tool, I think this is being stemmed to far away from the initial seed. Capacity restrictions like in the real world will apply but they aren't harsh restricitons they are practical and the point of this planning system is to be able to regulate the airspace efficiently so that we all can go through the skies with minimal delays rather. I am struggling to see what you mean by what you said.
  7. I understand what you are saying but I don't agree with letting the user decide the time to fly. I personally believe the way CTP works at the moment is very effective, you have a list of real world flights with their callsigns and are able to book one of them from one airport on one side of the atlantic to the other. When people start choosing the time they want to fly the realistic side to CTP starts to decrease as thats not when the real flights would depart. And I disagree with the idea that it would allow for better planning as the idea of planning should be working out an efficient flow of aircrafts with the information provided, if anything it would make it worse.
  8. I completely agree but as I stated I don't think this system should be used on a general basis and as an example, for events that go over the atlantic like Cross the pond. And if you are familiar with cross the pond you would recognise that flightplans are finalised the day before and obviously on the day confirmed so from a planning point of view we should already have the data to be able to organise routings the night before the event which allows a team of controllers to decide on how we plan on getting all the aircrafts through the sector efficiently. Individual countries will have different requirements for their sectors, and you are correct in saying that we should work on tools to maximise sector throughput. By combining those tools with a air traffic flow control management system would ensure a enjoyable and delay-minimised (not delay-free) experience for both controllers and pilots.
  9. Hello all, I have been thinking and want to suggest if others would like to help me back an idea of having a Eurocontrol position on POSCON. What I mean by this is not to have a position like Vatsim, controlling every square inch of europe converted into 6 callsigns controlling roughly 6 sectors, I mean to be able to have some sort of collaborative decision making system which allows skilled air traffic controllers who get mentored on this CDM system to manage the airspace above Europe and other areas in order to maintain an efficient and fast moving flow of aircrafts through the appropriate secotrs. I want to stress if this did go ahead that the position to be only used for events that take place over a large amount of airports which large amounts of aircrafts are predicted to be flying through the European airspace. I feel like this would allow the network to expand in other areas of decision making and planning rather than just controlling a CTR, APP, TWR, GND, DEL or any other positions. This idea would invite the capability to perform and give accurate slot times and also predict how an event will run. A good idea of when this could be used is for an equilivent event of 'Cross the pond'. I hope you take the time to read this suggestion as I think it would make the network stand out from competing networks. Kind Regards, George Barlow
  10. So are we having a website like https://vatsim.uk and kind of mirroring them as per we have our own training system and core system which our division only manages?
  11. United Kingdom - I would happily be interested in helping out.

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