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Manually Removing POSCON Software

Andrew Heath

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Since the Invite-Only Beta release on April 1st, 2020, there have been many revisions to our software clients; here is a list of the most up-to-date versions: Current Client Software Versions.

If you haven't flown on POSCON in a while, it is likely that the software installed on your PC has been rendered obsolete. You can attempt to open the Launcher Client and let the software auto-update, but in some cases of extremely old versions, our auto-updater system will not install the software correctly and you will be unable connect to the network. If you are operating old software, we recommend you download the POSCON Software Removal Tool. This tool will remove all traces of POSCON software and allow you to start with a fresh Launcher Client install.  


This procedure is designed for those users who are still having errors after using the POSCON Software Removal Tool.

1. Remove the POSCON Launcher Client:

  • In your Windows search bar, type "Add or remove programs" and then hit <ENTER> to access Apps & features section of Windows settings.
  • Search for "POSCON" and locate "POSCON Launcher Beta" then click "Uninstall".


2. Remove all POSCON related AppData:

  • In your Windows search bar, type "%AppData%" and then hit <ENTER> to access the AppData folders. By default, this brings you to AppData\Roaming.
  • Search in AppData\Roaming and AppData\Local for any folders containing the name "POSCON" and remove them. In order to find AppData\Local, go one folder level back.


3. Remove the Pilot Client(s):

  • For FSX/P3D users, typically this will be accomplished when you delete the folders from Step #2; however, if you installed the POSCON FSX/P3D Pilot Client to a different directory, you are going to need to locate that directory and delete it.
  • For X-Plane users, locate your X-Plane root directory and navigate to Resources\plugins and delete the "POSCON" folder.

4. Clear browser cache and POSCON related cookies:

5. Remove POSCON related Windows credentials:

  • In your Windows search bar, type "Credential Manager" and then hit <ENTER> to access the Windows Credential Manager.
  • Click on the "Windows Credentials" tab.


  • Expand "POSCONauth/launcher" and then click "Remove".


  • Expand "POSCON/JWT" and then click "Remove".


6. Download and Install Latest Launcher Executable.

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