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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Iran Division.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Dear Iranian and International pilots The scenery file (AFCAD) for Kish international airport (OIBK) has been updated to the latest information and satellite imagery of the airport. You can download the files from Avsim file library by following the link bellow: Download Link Kind Regards S.H
  3. Hello everyone most recently are add new ILS on the runway 29 left of Mehrabad intl airport (OIII). I attached new ILS information to this post. Good Luck. 56fd5b04-283c-4a20-81f8-b85f687787b4.pdf
  4. We are program a new group flight between Tehran to Ahwaz on 28 May 2021. More information: DEP: OIII ARR: OIAW Date: 28 May 2021 Time: 12:30PM UTC . We hope to join us.
  5. Hi Mohammad, Thanks for informing us, It's done Regards, Vahid NZ
  6. Hello everybody Please join the Iranian Discord and join to Iranian area via your profile POSCON. Go to https://hq.poscon.net/. Click in the More Menu. Click in the Divisions Menu. Select Iran Country. Join to Iran Division and join to Discord Server. This post isn't an official Notification. Only for information and advice. Best Regard.
  7. We are program a group flight between Tehran to Ordu on 07 May 2021. More information: DEP: OIIE ARR: LTCB Date: 07 May 2021 Time: 12:30 UTC Attention: The Ordu Giresun Airport is not existed in the Flight Simulator. Download Ordu Giresun Airport (LTCB) Scenery (Click here) Download Tehran freeware Afcad (Click here) We hope to join us.
  8. The group flight is finished. B737-800 in the Ashgabat Airport.
  9. We are program a group flight between Tehran to Ashgabat on 29 APR 2021. More information: DEP: OIIE ARR: UTAA Date: 29 April 2021 Time: 12:30 UTC Download Tehran freeware Afcad (Click here) We hope to join us. ?
  10. The Iranian En-Route Chart (WEF 25 MAR 2021). ENR 6-1.pdf
  11. Guys, we are going to start the group flight at 11:30 ?
  12. make sure when connecting the client you need to have your vpn connected.
  13. Dear Mohammad Sadegh, Hello my friend, I hope you're doing well. As I checked this issue is related to google service which is loaded from https://storage.googleapis.com/ and since this service has been blocked in Iran, you will be getting 403 Access Denied error, Please connect to a VPN (you can use browser VPN also) and try again. Regards, V.Navazan
  14. All simulator approved in POSCON Client. for example: FSX or P3D this group flight is VFR
  15. This group flight from Rasht to Sari ... the route sounds good ? of course if it was a real flight, we could see a very beautiful sights of nature up there! I should do it by my FSX ... see! even in virtual, my graphic is poor OMG! ?
  16. Thanks Mohammad for making this group flight and your invitation, I will be there.
  17. Hello dear friends; Happy Nowruz ? I tried to download the launcher from hq.postcone.net as recommended but faced to this message: I`d got the downloaded file separately from my friend and installed it on my PC successfully and tried to download the FSX Pilot Client from launcher but just a while after click on "Install bottom", this message was shown: So let me know what is the case and how can I fix it if possible
  18. Great Plan. will be there. excited to do this flight in msfs 2020. ?
  19. Group flight. we planned a group flight on Friday. All network members are invited to join this group flight. Information: Date 2 April 2021 Time 11:30 UTC From Rasht (OIGG) To Sari (OINZ) The aircraft type is a Multi or single-propeller engine. note: this event a group flight with members of POSCON. this is not an official event in the POSCON network.
  20. We really Excited and want to be part of Beta Testers...Andrew please help !!!
  21. Hello Everyone, So excited to see all my Vatsim Iran vACC staff friends here. Let's do something to bring Iran as part of the beta test.
  22. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Iran Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Iran during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] سلام و خوش آمد به همه کسانی که علاقه مند به بخش ایران POSCON هستند! من این انجمن را برای ایجاد امکان انتشار یک بخش برای ایران در حین آزمایش بتا کشف کردم. تنها راهی که ما با این تقسیم منتشر می کنیم این است که آیا افراد کافی علاقه مند هستند، بنابراین تمام دوستان خود را برای پیوستن به این باشگاه آماده کنید و مطمئن شوید که آنها باقی خواهند ماند! اگر علاقه و بحث کافی وجود داشته باشد، منابع خود را برای ایجاد زیرساخت های لازم اختصاص خواهیم داد. ما با ساخت و ساز فایل های بخش و روش نوشتن، به کمک شما نیاز داریم! اگر شما علاقه مند به کمک به نوشتن این مطالب هستید، لطفا [email protected] را ایمیل کنید


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