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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Bahamas Division.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Good evening, Since the United States have a Discord server I decided to create one for The Bahamas Division. There is the link to join the server: Link to DISCORD if you want to join. Mathieu
  3. Nice to see my fellow Bahamian controllers here who we worked together with gathering real world documentation on. One thing I want to point out before this project takes place is that Nassau FIR on VATSIM is completely unrealistic and should be avoided at all costs for an example to pick through while building POSCON Bahamas. Mathieu, Robert Guthy, and myself have worked countless hours on building up IVAO Bahamas to make it as realistic as it gets including sector data, phraseology guides, LOA's with Miami, and other procedures. We can easily start building that up to make POSCON Bahamas as real as it gets and active too. Any ideas let's discuss here Team POSCON Bahamas! ?
  4. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Bahamas Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Bahamas during beta testing. Show this person, I'm going to be a member of this show, I'm a guy, I'm a guy, I'm a guy, I'm a guy and I'm a guy! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need help with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected]


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