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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Canada Division. Just to be clear, the Canada will be launched as part of the initial release of POSCON regardless of how many people join.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Name: Seunghyun Song (a.k.a. William or Bill Primo) Location: CYYZ - Toronto ON Simulator Platform: N/A - currently training to become ATC. Formerly I used to play XP11 and MSFS but had to retire due to risk of glaucoma. Fact about my simulation experience: Former Airbus A320 enthusiast
  3. Hi Everyone! Name: Jack Location: CYYC - Calgary, AB Simulator Platform: MSFS 2020 Fact about my Simulation Experience: New to ATC controlling, avid simulator pilot Thanks, Jack
  4. All other links are outdated. This link should work. I have set the expiry to never. POSCON Canada Discord Server
  5. This link should work now: Discord Link
  6. the invite link is outdated. You have to mark 'never expire' ???
  7. Good evening, Since the United States and now as up today the Bahamas division have also a Discord server, I decided to create one for the Canadian Division. There is the link to join the server: Link to DISCORD if you want to join. Mathieu
  8. Hi Everyone! As Nico has done in the main forum, I thought I'd get a conversation started by introducing myself and encourage others to do so as well. Name: Jason (Interwebs Alias: Jay-Ryan) Location: CYQM - Moncton, NB Simulator Platform: X-Plane 11... Formerly MSFS v.3-FSX and yes I owned each and every release Fact about my Simulation Experience: I likely could be excellent at a few things, but since I try to touch every aspect, I actually only get okay at most things. Cheers! Jay


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