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michael l. (1013913)

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  1. @Andrew Heath in addition to what's been quoted above, I would also like to also like to throw my hat in for either USA division or for the New York sector.
  2. I would think of this was implemented there would have to be some kind of voice recognition to be added since this would be AI and there would be a player on the other end to read back the instructions / say request
  3. I know vatsim gives up that option for p3d xp and fsx. But It would be nice if poscon could make it easy to get set up.
  4. @Noah Berks That I see I'm pointing out that there's no real conformity when it comes to visiting. So I wanted to know if poscon would implement a standard or if they will leave not up to the DATM ATM and TA.
  5. Coming from Vatsim where each regen, country, and sector has its own site will that be same here. If so could I suggest instead of doing that could there just be one main site then as you join or visit other sectors you gain access to it on the main site? Why I say this is because on vatsim it varies between the login method using the SSO or you are given a separate login.
  6. To give more context why I bring this up is because on vatsim I visit Jaxsinvil Atlanta and LA. For some reason, JAX and ATL don't require you to test but LA does. Now I would get you have to test if say you are a home controller in the US and visiting in the EU. But not inter regain since more of the phraseology and procedures would be the same. I would think just having the visitor (US home) go through a training with that sectors mentors to get them antiquated with the airspace and the special phraseology use in that sector. For example, the biggest difference that I see between ZNY and ZLA is that ZLA has tec routes and the phraseology is different when you use them.
  7. I have noticed when visiting different ARTCC in the US on vatsim there are some that require you to take the tests that people that join as their home ARTCC but others don't require you to. I was wondering will something like that be up to who is running that ARTCC/FIR or will be a network standard?
  8. @Andrew you can count me in as well when beta testing rolls around
  9. @SquawkModeCharlie You make a good point. What would stop everyone from declaring an emergency? Even though it would be nice.
  10. So it will be the same UI as the pilots UI for PDC
  11. Coming from Vatsim I know they have their main sites for the Nations then separate one for each ARTCC. Will Poscon have something similar or how are you going to handle grouping the various ARTCC around the world?
  12. I saw a post regarding a voice service for the divisions. So I thought I would Put together one for our division here is the invite if you want to join.
  13. Should we expect once the SOP have been made that they will be separated by the Center they are controlled by.
  14. What would the ATC see in regards to PDC
  15. I might not have seen yet but are you guys planning to have a build in way to make the ATIS or have a separate program to handle that.

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