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Nicola Altafini (1016055)

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Everything posted by Nicola Altafini (1016055)

  1. Hello Andrew, Is this tool the same thing of IVAO webeye?
  2. Hello, i'm Nicola from Italy, (almost) 47 ys old. i work as atc in the real life (twr) and i'm so passionate about my job that i continue doing it in my spare time as well. I'm currently an IVAO member (since Vatsim is not that used here in italy) and I'm also a member of ivac2 data-prep team so i'm very curious about your atc client ? and i hope it could be as customizable as possibile in order to reproduce ( at least kind of) the look and the functionality of our real system (Selex cds2000). Thanks Nicola
  3. ok, sounds good!
  4. perfect, thank you. fortunately i get already used to xml since it is the format used by ivac2 for ivao (i come from there). good news. ok, and for example, if you are controlling a large, combined, atc unit that covers from twrs to acc, how to move through several gnd layouts? by zoom&pan or by presets?
  5. Hello, i'm Nicola from Italy. i'm interested on atc client. i have few questions for you ? 1)Is it meant have a good level of customization in order to "look like" a different system? i don't mean only on appearance (important) but also on functionality (more important) 2) Is it meant to be multiplatform or windows only? 3) Is it meant to have "Insets" (secondary small windows within the main one)? 4) does it have multiple selectable presets in order to rapdly configures it in different way or select multiple maps at once? 5) any chance to know a little but more about map's format language? are maps fully customizable (colors, lines, shapes, etc)? thanks in advance Nicola

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