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Andrew (1017363)

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Andrew (1017363) last won the day on March 25 2021

Andrew (1017363) had the most liked content!

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  1. Hello, please open a support ticket in our discord server, and paste the log in there. One of the developers will be able to help you work out your issue. You can join here: https://poscon.net/discord Andrew
  2. Nixon, A lot of POSCON members are not active on the forums, however, they are active in our Discord. I encourage you to join, you might have better success finding someone to fly with. https://poscon.net/discord
  3. As Maher mentioned you can access the POSCON Launcher and follow the instructions to install it with your simulator, all 3 major simulators are accepted on the network. If you need further assistance I encourage you to join our discord server. https://poscon.net/discord Members and staff can give quicker responses to any questions you have during the installation process. Blue skies! Andrew
  4. Frans thank you for reaching out, Ive tagged him below in this post so you can send him an email, I will also let him know via Discord. Regards @Olaf Blom (1016062)
  5. until
    Sector: KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42Booking for KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42 created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. until
    Sector: KZDV.ZDV.2.17Booking for KZDV.ZDV.2.17 created on the POSCON HQ.
  7. until
    Sector: KZDV.ZDV.2.17Booking for KZDV.ZDV.2.17 created on the POSCON HQ.
  8. until
    Sector: KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42Booking for KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42 created on the POSCON HQ.
  9. until
    Sector: KZDV.ZDV.2.17Booking for KZDV.ZDV.2.17 created on the POSCON HQ.
  10. Hey Angel, First off, welcome to POSCON! You will enjoy it here, recently the policies got migrated to a different category, here is the correct link: https://forums.poscon.net/docs/support/manuals/eram/general/ Hope this helps, Andrew
  11. Disappointing to say the least, what can you do though, unfortunate situation.
  12. until
    Sector: KZDV.ZDV.2.17Booking for KZDV.ZDV.2.17 created on the POSCON HQ.
  13. until
    Sector: KZDV.ZDV.2.17Booking for KZDV.ZDV.2.17 created on the POSCON HQ.
  14. until
    Sector: KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42Booking for KZMA.ZMA.CAR.42 created on the POSCON HQ.
  15. until
    Sector: KZDC.ZDC.1.19Booking for KZDC.ZDC.1.19 created on the POSCON HQ.

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