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Dellanie (1011615)

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Everything posted by Dellanie (1011615)

  1. I think it works best as an incentivized opt-in feature, and make the odds of a failure from birdstrike rare/region specific. E.g. Lets say there are 100,000 real-world flights a day. Maybe like 2 will get a bird strike, so in POSCON with strikes enabled, you have a 1 in 50,000 chance of a birdstrike.
  2. I actually like this idea, but really, we need to incentivize the development of something like this to both platforms. I can see GSX getting on board with this, we also need something for the X-Plane side. The way I see it, there are several questions that need fulfilling: - Would having additional entities/nodes passing through the POSCON server have a significant overhead - How detailed would you need animations? To me, having the jetway connect and have ground crew just spawn in and out, is enough to make it plausible - If things are animated, how do we co-ordinate that with scenery objects, ground handling plugins, and the poscon server? - Could we possibly control ground equipment.(anyone who's seen squawkmodecharlie on twitch, will often see him control Dublin, and simulate scenarios with ground crew...e.g. fire, runway inspection etc.) - Possibly get local bird strikes into POSCON? - How do we incentivize players to not spawn on top of each other? I think that's a more logical way to go about it. Simply saying "we don't need it" is exactly the attitude that stunts progress, which is not what POSCON is about.
  3. 1. Potentially most of Sunday (I actually work for a flight-sim company, so I'm unsure if I am needed on the Saturday) 2. i7-4790k oc @ 4.3ghz | 16gb Ram | Gtx 1070 8gb vram | X-Plane 11 (Some lag still experienced around the NY error, but average mostly between 21-35 fps) 3. UK 4. Flightfactor A320, Zibo 737, Flightfactor 757 (Airac is currently 2 months out-of-date...but hopefully not varied enough to impede operations)
  4. Sounds fantastic to me! Someone call me when the time approacheth :D
  5. Hello Andrew/Poscon team, I've been watching from a distance, and I am somewhat curious to the nature of the relationship of Poscon and X-Plane, and your intentions for the platform. As a user, I think it's fair to say that we have been rather disgruntled by the rather lacking support and innovation from vatsim and ivao. I don't suppose there is anything you can share with us as of yet? (with respect to development schedules and current reserved features.)

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