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Scott Gray

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Scott Gray last won the day on February 22 2022

Scott Gray had the most liked content!


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  1. Certainly understand the workload your Team must have at the moment. Looking forward to having it when it comes available, as I believe it will help exposure to increase traffic.
  2. I would suggest Luke 1026107 other thread, it has more details. If your looking for some folks to test what might be available, it sounds like there are several of us willing to do so.
  3. While I know you are all hard at work behind the scenes, it would be great to get some accessibility to this data for 3-party developers for phone apps, websites, and others (like Orbx Volanta). This would give greater visibility to Poscon and it would likely increase traffic. Looking forward to having access for our own website usages as well.
  4. Just curious what the status of this might might be?
  5. With the release of the T-45, along with the included C-12 (King Air) and other military related aircraft, are we permitted to fly into and out of military airfields for pattern work, approach practice, cross county flights, etc? I know the Military Division is some time away and ultimately the VUSN.org would like to a part of it, several of us would like to begin general flights. If it is permitted, what callsign would you prefer we use, just N-numbers, Navy XX, VVyyxxx, or what?
  6. Back at ya in a PM. Thanks!
  7. Hoping for a solution for a client to provide CATCC on a moving ship.
  8. Thank you Andrew for recognizing the importance of the military aspects in both ATC/CATCC and flying.

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