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Andrew T. (1011292)

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  1. until
    Covering all of N90 Top-Down from approximately 5:00pm-7:30pm ET!
  2. until
    Covering: EWR & Sats Available Frequencies: 120.150 - Primary frequency Limitations: No receiver at TTN, LDJ, MMU, CDW. Coordinate via Discord Voice Channel
  3. until
    Covering: EWR & Sats Available Frequencies: 125.500 - Primary frequency Limitations: No receiver at TTN, LDJ, MMU, CDW. Coordinate via Discord
  4. Yes, POSCON is completely free.
  5. 1. I'll more than likely be available both days, particularly towards the latter half of each day. 2. Intel CPU 2.7Ghz, integrated graphics. FSX. Have the scenery for the NYC area. 3. NY 4. A2A C172, JustFlight Piper Warrior, PMDG 737 5. PM sent
  6. Andrew KFRG I fly primarily commercial jets on VATSIM and occasionally GA aircraft. I do not have a powerful computer at the moment, but I am able to run the payware aircraft which is all that matters. I have controlled on VATSIM with the New York ARTCC for the past four years. I am also a Private Pilot, currently studying for my instrument rating.
  7. Can't wait for June 2018! Looks very promising!

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