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Jason R. (1011969)

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Everything posted by Jason R. (1011969)

  1. Hi Everyone! As Nico has done in the main forum, I thought I'd get a conversation started by introducing myself and encourage others to do so as well. Name: Jason (Interwebs Alias: Jay-Ryan) Location: CYQM - Moncton, NB Simulator Platform: X-Plane 11... Formerly MSFS v.3-FSX and yes I owned each and every release Fact about my Simulation Experience: I likely could be excellent at a few things, but since I try to touch every aspect, I actually only get okay at most things. Cheers! Jay
  2. Hey All, I'm Jason (Or Jay-Ryan around the Interwebs) CYQM - Moncton Romeo Leblanc International Airport Casual Simming began in 1987 w/MSFS v.3 - Learning a bit of different aspects of flight, but seldom mastering any LOL... I'm currently fascinated by procedures and baffled at how I can almost always forget at least one step, even with checklists!
  3. New Zealand

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