I'm aware POSCON is in Beta. Yet I noticed some airline codes are missing, despite CSLs being available. Just one example: JJP / Jetstar Japan (I searched for both).
Furthermore the type-ahead/search for selecting the Airline Code doesn't work properly, at least in the X-Plane client: I cannot just type the ICAO identifier, e.g. if I enter JAL, ANA, FIN no or only incorrect matches are displayed. Only if I type the full name, matches are found. Interestingly this is not the case for all airlines, so if I enter e.g. ADO for "Air Do", a match is presented, same for BAW and many others.
Small detail: There is a "close" and "save" button. What is the difference? When I close, the settings - like changing the airline code - are presistent nevertheless. Discard / Apply might be more straight forward than having three options Close (Apply but do not save?) / Restore / Save
Thanks in advance for having a look at this.