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MAL 1025103

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  1. OK; No Worries, I WILL give it a bash, and see how I go. Thank You Chris.
  2. G'day I have been trying to use POSCON's Flight Planning, but I keep on coming up with the issue of "Aircraft Identification" not accepting any ID into it and that includes there suggestions as RED Letters Keep telling me that "Callsign is invalid. Example: JAL65F, AAL123, AFR9"; and when I click on the Registration "Check this if Call-sign is Registration" the Aircraft Identification says in RED HV1234B is not valid. Every Time I Press it? Can someone Please Explain if I am doing something WRONG or What I am Missing here in the Flight Planning? Thank You Mal Brown
  3. Thank you ALL for your help. I do suffer from Dementia so I just found it a little difficult to understand what CBT meant so I could do as the rules and regulations say. from Mal Brown
  4. POSOCO says "not yet completed YOUR WELCOME CBT"??????? What in the WORLD DOES THIS MEAN????? when one is denied to connect to live ATC when wanting to come out of ghosting? There is NO proper Explanation at all about this. So Very Frustrating.

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