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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Australia Division.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Tristan, unfortunately i can't control the people who have somewhat harassed the VATPAC team. Secondly, I have added these staff tags so then the server has some set out. As i will not own this server shortly, hopefully whoever takes in-charge of the server keeps what has been made and continues on which what has been made. The CEO will be given permission where he then can take charge and change up different permissions and people roles. Cheers, Bill
  3. Bill, Next time a server is made please do not allow your members to direct message and harrass members of VATPAC. I also recommend to not have "Staff" tags on the server until directors have been appointed.
  4. Hello all, Recently, i have made a new discord server for the Australian Division for the Poscon network! In order to make this server official, it would help if everyone here could jump on to discord and join this server to help show that this is an active community! https://discord.gg/WRtbJag Cheers, Bill
  5. Thanks, I am getting to it! Lots of emails to cover right now :-D You can expect a response by this afternoon.
  6. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Australia Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Australia during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected]


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