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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON Greece Division.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Dear members, As you might have noticed Greece is now foreseen with a division manager. Because of this change, Greece needs to get up and running as soon as possible. Therefore I would like to start recruiting new staff members so we can finish this journey together as a team. If you are interested you can send me an email or you can simply message me on Discord. I would love to see some applications. Make sure to add some sort of resume if possible. You can also request a speaking hour where you can explain your past experiences to me in person. With kind regards, Nico Sfakianakis - Division Manager Greece [email protected]
  3. We are now opening the application process to join our Facility Data Team! For now, we are only recruiting for the following nations: Mexico, Russia, France, Greece, Turkey and South Africa. If you are from another country, other than those listed, and still meet the requirements, please feel free to submit your application. We will keep it on file and contact you if needed in the future. Requirements to apply: - Must be 18 years of age or older. - Must have a deep knowledge of the airspace of the nation applying for. - Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills. - Real-world flight or ATC experience is preferred. - It is also preferred that the applicant be from the actual country that they are applying for. - Must have excellent computer skills. Applications should be submitted to [email protected] and include the nation you want to work on and why you think you would be an asset to the team.
  4. όχι ακόμα δεν είναι μιας και το δίκτυο ακόμα δεν είναι έτοιμο Beta. σύντομα πάντως. Roadmap
  5. Just created an accound to POSCON. I see that there is a Greek Division. ???. Is it active or not????
  6. 21/12 15:00(zulu) Σας παρακαλώ όσοι θέλουν να μαζευτούμε. Στο Discord
  7. as im thinking still missing ATIS Voice Files.... so we are not ready :P
  8. LGGG Airac 1801 Full ready :) i need only voice server settings and where to get stats.
  9. Hello @Andrew can we have some details-hints what POSCON mean or want about the SOP to start the ECAC Eurocontrol-Greece be operational? So to start working or writing it. Thank you very much
  10. roger andrew tell me where i can create that? i mean tool that poscon use
  11. There is no clear threshold for the number of users needed to create a division. I am guessing we will take the top 5-10 and create divisions out of them. We need SOPs and sector files as well, that is an absolute requirement to make it into the top 10.
  12. According to the Letter to users (11/15/17) The aim is to have beta around, or slightly after FSExpo in June 2018
  13. We Create a Discord Voice Serer Click to Join. use you real full name pls
  14. θα παρακαλούσα να χρησιμοποιούσατε το ονοματεπωνυμο σας σε περίπτωση που αυτός ο λογαριασμός που δημιουργηθηκε στο forum θα είναι ο λογαριασμός σας για την είσοδο στο δίκτυο. I would ask you to use your Full name, in case this account created in the forum will be your account to enter the network.
  15. First of all i want to thank you @Andrew creating Greek Division of POSCON. I create this topic so the members of Greek Club ask and find some answers about POSCON Network. The first questions will come from me. 1)Here in welcome message from you says that " we will release with this division is if enough people show interest''. So which is a sufficient number of members so the Greek division has a substance? 2) Is there any timetable or something like that about beta testings on network?
  16. Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the Greece Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for Greece during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] Γεια σας και καλωσορίζουμε σε όλους όσους ενδιαφέρονται για το τμήμα POSCON της Ελλάδας! Δημιούργησα αυτό το φόρουμ για να διερευνήσω τη δυνατότητα απελευθέρωσης ενός τμήματος για την Ελλάδα κατά τη διάρκεια beta δοκιμών. Ο μόνος τρόπος με τον οποίο θα κυκλοφορήσουμε με αυτό το διαμέρισμα είναι εάν αρκετοί άνθρωποι ενδιαφέρονται, ώστε να πάρουν όλοι οι φίλοι σας να συμμετάσχουν σε αυτό το κλαμπ και να σιγουρευτούν ότι παραμένουν ενεργοί! Εάν υπάρχει αρκετό ενδιαφέρον και συζήτηση, θα αφιερώσουμε τους πόρους μας στη δημιουργία της απαραίτητης υποδομής. Θα χρειαστούμε τη βοήθειά σας αν και με διαδικασίες κατασκευής αρχείων και γραφής στον τομέα! Αν έχετε κάποιο συμφέρον να μας βοηθήσετε να γράψουμε αυτό το υλικό, στείλτε email στη διεύθυνση [email protected]


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