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About This Club

This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON United States Division. Just to be clear, the United States will be launched as part of the initial release of POSCON regardless of how many people join.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Mine has been canceled to.
  3. Over the coming week we're going to be taking the first steps to bring structure to this division and begin to get this division off the ground. I'm going to be looking for volunteers who are interested in joining one, or many, of our teams to help us bring this division together. This means those who are interested in assisting with events, technical writers for SOP documents, facility data specialists, and eventually ATC and flight instructors. We are also opening up applications for seven sub-division managers who will oversee the operations of our ARTCCs. This is an exciting time for the United States Division and POSCON as we embark with POSCON on the next generation flight simulation network. I'll be providing updates on the development and status of the division to keep you all informed of where things are at and what we're hard at work on behind the scenes. I do encourage each of you to begin to jumping on and providing services for our pilots. Please do remember, you are required to make a booking before getting on to control. This will allow pilots to know how long you intend to be online so they can plan their flights accordingly. If you're interested in joining the United States Division team as a sub-division manager to oversee the operations of our ARTCCs, please email [email protected] with a brief introduction and your discord username and I'll be in touch with you over the next week or two.
  4. Please make sure you join the United States Division on HQ. https://hq.poscon.net/division/USA Hit the "Join as pilot" button
  5. It's been cancelled. Keep an eye out for other events in the future.
  6. I believe that's for the induvidual ARTCCs to decide.
  7. I saw a post regarding a voice service for the divisions. So I thought I would Put together one for our division here is the invite if you want to join.
  8. Should we expect once the SOP have been made that they will be separated by the Center they are controlled by.
  9. How many are planning on attending this event? My team and I will be there wearing flightsuits. That way you will be able to recognize us right off. R Axe Timberlake


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