About This Club
This club was created to recruit members to the POSCON India Division.
- What's new in this club
Shreyas 1036170 joined the club
Hariprasath 1035802 joined the club
Arnav 1034000 joined the club
TriveniGrewal joined the club
Rishabh Ratnalikar joined the club
Sreehari 1023193 joined the club
Congratulations guys wishing you all the best for the future of the Indian Division I know you are all in safe hands with Divya flying the flag are you guys.
The India Division Team appointed (details attached) - come fly with us! Connect with us in POSCON India server. Don't forget to link your Discord in HQ - https://discord.poscon.net/link POSCON India - Division Team.pdf
Sharran 1027197 joined the club
J S 1024212 joined the club
Satvik 1025824 joined the club
Manan 1027484 joined the club
Girihigh joined the club
Debadri21 (1013287) joined the club
capt hotelalpharomeo joined the club
Aareen 1026207 joined the club
Amal M M joined the club
Imran 1026765 joined the club
Rajat 1024223 joined the club
Faiq 1026067 joined the club
Saurabh 1025936 joined the club
Hemanth S. joined the club
Adhiraaj 1023936 joined the club
Kushal 1024518 joined the club
Ritwick Bhattacharya joined the club
Arturas (1020887) joined the club
varun747vabb joined the club
Goutham Sudalagunta joined the club
Syndicate 1024966 joined the club
Sanjeevan (1021049) joined the club
Karun joined the club
Adwaid (1019817) joined the club
Tausif R. (1018951) joined the club
Yashvardhan 1023177 joined the club
Siddharth (1022195) joined the club
Pragyan 1022816 joined the club
Aarav (1022393) joined the club
Atharv (1022252) joined the club
Arman (1021600) joined the club
Ankit Bisht joined the club
Pazhani Ragunathan joined the club
Gulshan Kumar D. (1018948) joined the club
Amine S. (1018867) joined the club
Meesam R. (1012787) joined the club
Aaryan K. (1018599) joined the club
Joseph Pentz joined the club
JANAM P. (1014880) joined the club
Namaskar! if you haven't yet joined our Discord... India Division: https://discord.poscon.net/india
Apoorv P. (1011434) joined the club
Pankaj K. (1018642) joined the club
Iniyan D. (1018803) joined the club
Rahul S. (1018543) joined the club
James A. (1014487) joined the club
Excellent! Any sector files or SOPs can be sent to [email protected] Please ensure you have permission to send any work that is not your own!
Hello and welcome to everyone interested in the India Division of POSCON! I have created this forum to explore the possibility of releasing a division for India during beta testing. The only way we will release with this division is if enough people show interest, so get all your friends to join this club and make sure that they stay active! If there is enough interest and discussion, we will devote our resources to creating the necessary infrastructure. We are going to need your help though with sector file construction and writing procedures! If you have any interest in helping us write this material, please email [email protected] नमस्कार और पॉस्कॉन के भारत डिवीजन में दिलचस्पी रखने वाले प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का स्वागत करें! मैंने बीटा परीक्षण के दौरान भारत के लिए एक डिवीजन जारी करने की संभावना का पता लगाने के लिए इस मंच को बनाया है। इस विभाजन के साथ हम केवल एक ही रास्ता दिखाएंगे, यदि पर्याप्त लोग रुचि दिखाते हैं, तो अपने सभी दोस्तों को इस क्लब में शामिल होने और सुनिश्चित करें कि वे सक्रिय रहें! यदि पर्याप्त रुचि और चर्चा है, तो हम आवश्यक संसाधनों का निर्माण करने के लिए आवश्यक संसाधनों को समर्पित करेंगे। हमें क्षेत्र की फ़ाइल निर्माण और लेखन प्रक्रियाओं के साथ हालांकि आपकी मदद की आवश्यकता होगी! अगर आपको इस सामग्री को लिखने में मदद करने में कोई रुचि है, तो कृपया [email protected] पर ईमेल करें