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United Kingdom Division

Sector File
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Revision: 24 Jun 2022

The sector file is important for all ATC. When referring to the 'sector file,' we refer to a file containing information about all sectors, airports, airways, navigation fixes, VORs, and even Surface Manoeuvring Radars (SMRs; views of the airport taxiways, runways, and stands). Without a sector file, it is almost impossible to control a (non-procedural, radar-enabled) position, though there are some exceptions.

The UK Sector File
Revision: 09 Oct 2022

The United Kingdom Division publishes a sector file with each Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) cycle. These sector files are automatically generated through the use of publicly available AIP data, while also using hand-crafted SMRs for airports where available. The use of automation allows us to publish these sector files with limited amount of work required, and only configuration/adaptation required in later stages. It also means that we can have the Sector Files available almost immediately for use for our members.

You can find our most up to date sector files here: https://github.com/POSCON-United-Kingdom/POSCON-UK-Controller-Pack

If you'd like to help create / maintain or improve the sector files we have then we'd love the help. Please get in touch!

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