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United States Division

Welcome to the United States Division
Revision: 05 Sep 2022

Join the United States Division

To begin controlling, you will need to join the United States Division here.


Getting started in the United States Division

Once you have been assigned your controlling authority, you can SI (Sign In) to any position within the authority you have approvals for. Your approvals can be found in your POSCON HQ Profile in the ATC Approvals tab. We encourage you to become familiar with the POSCON radar client and it's functions. You can find the documentation for the client here. You can find sector files in the POSCON forums download tab, and then selecting Sector Data. A CBT for working ERAM in a Tower environment can be found here.


Currently the United States Division is not enforcing positions restrictions. We ask you to control only what you feel proficient in and comfortable with. This is a all new network, and traffic for now may be light. If you staff a position consistently and reliably, the pilots will fly.


Join the Community

We encourage all members to join our Discord to engage with community!


The United States Division team

United States Division Manager - Alex Long

United States Division Events Team Leader -


Central Mountain Sub-Division Manager -

Eastern Sub-Division Manager - 

Great Lakes Sub-Division Manager -

Northwest Mountain Sub-Division Manager - Dominic Nguyen (Interim)

South-Central Sub-Division Manager -

Southern Sub-Division Manager - 

Western-Pacific Sub-Division Manager - Dominic Nguyen



Want to get involved?

Would you like to join the United States Division team? We're looking for sub-division managers, events team members, technical writers, and facility data specialist. If you're interested, send an email to POSCON.USA (at) gmail.com with a brief introduction and your area of interest and we'll get in touch with you!


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