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Daniel 1027583

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Daniel 1027583 last won the day on August 27 2021

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  1. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.S4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.S4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  2. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.S4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.S4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  3. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  4. With your initial call on HF approaching Oceanic entry point with e.g. Gander, after getting your clearance, dont forget to mention the next FIR. e.g. Gander Radio, KLM123. FL310, CPDLC, Shanwick next. Then they will come automatically with your SELCAL and backup HF freq, and where to contact Shanwick ( mostly 30W), on what freqs.
  5. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  7. ??
  8. Thanks Maher. becoz the coverage of ATC is so low, they don’t even bother checking if there is any online. Hopefully the attitude of pilots will change. We need to have a possibility to force these guys to come on to the freq, in my opinion. Or by a force act signal or via pm. again thanks for the explanation ?? Dan
  9. Some flights on the live map dont show a dep and arr, does that mean these guys dont have a fltpln? Is it allowed to not file a fltpln on Poscon? Im not talking about a vfr flight.
  10. until
    Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  11. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  12. ??
  13. Same here , but B777 ??
  14. Indeed LNAV determines the bankangle required according to the difference in track required between the 2 airways. In the airline I fly for we dont set any bank limit during cruise or any face of flight. The auto setting works just perfect . Btw im talking B777, dont know anything about an Airbus .
  15. Understood, just filled in the application. Looking fwd.

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