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Giorgio B

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Giorgio B last won the day on April 11 2022

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  1. Hey @KSI ; We have plan for Linux system tho IS NOT OUR priority POSCON main dev team is focusing on commercial projects this means that our linux plans are delayed and the ETA is TBD Regards.
  2. @Pedro Gomes Hey ; Yes there is plan a plan! We have our own protocol for CPDLC currently and we are working on a easy way to use (SDK/ Web API) tho while this is one of our first priority atm we are focusing on a few other projects needed for our commercial activities.
  3. We are looking at your problems please beare with us ?
  4. Hye did you tried the below solution? Best regrads
  5. This seems to be a unrelated issue please check your launcher version to be the latest one if not you can download it from the dashboard.
  6. This api is for external developers to use for integration purposes if little navmap does not support this kind of integration with poscon let you know the dev ?
  7. Currently we have a public api you can find docs here and an example here the refresh rate is 30 seconds it can be used to display traffics on the map.
  8. @Dwight (1021012) @James A. (1014487) @Markus B. We have identifided the issue most probably you are missing .NET Framework 3.0 SP1 and you can get it here. Let me know if this resolve your issues Sorry for the late response.
  9. This is a known issue we are working to identify the cause. Could I ask you if you use Windows 10 Home edition?
  10. Hey might ask you to open a ticket here so the team can track your issues
  11. @Julian Kruchy Yes there is an api and you can find the docs here. The update time is 30s second if I remeber correctly.
  12. Ciao Andrea perchè no ! Appena posso creo una sezione dedicata ! Buona Serata Bella Giorgio PositiveControl Network Team
  13. Ciao ragazzi Avrete notato un grande silenzio nelle settimane passate, e bene si il team di sviluppo sta lavorando ad ritmi concitati. Ho creato questo topic per fornirvi aggiornamenti diretti per quanto potrò divulgare. Se volete o avete domande non esitate a contattarmi risponderò nel miglior modo. Per il momento vi lascio con una piccola preview che ha rilasciato Andrew nei giorni passati . Vi auguro un buon e felice natale a tutti Bella Giorgio Alpha Tester PositiveControl(POSCON)LLC.
  14. Hi Dan Grigoree The developers are still working really hard and they are pretty active on this process if you have questions go to this topic Best regards Bella Giorgio Alpha Tester PositiveControl(POSCON)LLC.
  15. Ciao Ragazzi Se avete dubbi o ancora domande vi consiglio di guardare questo topic https://forums.poscon.net/topic/347-no-news/?tab=comments#comment-1614 Buona Giornata Bella Giorgio

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