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Andrew Heath

Network Directors
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Everything posted by Andrew Heath

  1. Hi, I think you may be referring to a different Gergely? DLMN was created by Gergely Kosa, correct?
  2. We have a need for an experienced C++ programmer to help with the development of some of our network services. It will be a paid gig and we prefer experience from within the community. If you know anyone who might be interested, please PM me! Thanks!
  3. It will be a multi-purpose client. Similar to Ross Carlson's VRC, but with the complexity of vERAM and vSTARS. In other words, you will be able to work top-down efficiently while also retaining many of the realism features of the other clients.
  4. Here are just a few screen shots of Gergely's new ATC client. Font is not updated, but you can see the beginnings of ERAM being developed!
  5. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend via <STAR name> <altitude>. Cancel speed restriction(s).\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions down to the published bottom altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published speeds.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE 1:\u00a0Alternate clearance can be more specific with only canceling speed restrictions for a given waypoint(s). Those waypoint(s) will be included in the clearance.\n\tNOTE 2: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cDescend via <STAR name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the STAR speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the descend via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  6. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend via STAR <altitude>. Cancel speed restriction(s).\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published speeds.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE 1: Alternate clearance can be more specific with only canceling speed restrictions for a given waypoint(s). Those waypoint(s) will be included in the clearance.\n\tNOTE 2: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cDescend via STAR.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the STAR and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  7. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend and maintain <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cDescend via <STAR name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the STAR speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the descend via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  8. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend <altitude>. Cancel level restrictions.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, descending <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cDescend via STAR.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the STAR and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  9. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend unrestricted <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, descending <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tDelete all published speed restrictions above the clearance altitude.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cDescend via STAR.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the STAR and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  10. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend via <STAR name> except maintain <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>, descending via <STAR name>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tPilot\u2019s discretion descent to comply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cDescend via <STAR name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the STAR speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the descend via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  11. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend via <STAR name>.\u201d\n\tNOTE:\u00a0Initial approach control radio call to terminal controller: \u201cPhoenix Approach, American 123, 15000, descending via EAGUL6, runway 26 transition, information B.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, descending via <STAR name>.\u201d 3 4\n\tNOTE 1:\u00a0Add to radio call landing direction or STAR runway transition if assigned.\n\tNOTE 2:\u00a0Initial approach control radio call to terminal controller: \u201cPhoenix Approach, American 123, 15000, descending via EAGUL6, runway 26 transition, information B.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tPilot\u2019s discretion descent to comply with all published altitude restrictions down to the lowest published altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cDescend via <STAR name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the STAR speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the descend via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  12. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, descend via STAR <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>, descending via STAR.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tStart descent now and comply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop descent upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0If a pilot discretion descent is allowed, ATC will state, \u201cWhen ready, descend via STAR <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cDescend via STAR.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the STAR and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  13. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb via <SID name>. Cancel speed restriction(s).\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions up to the published top altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published speeds.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE 1:\u00a0Alternate clearance can be more specific with only canceling speed restrictions for a given waypoint(s). Those waypoint(s) will be included in the clearance.\n\tNOTE 2: When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cClimb via <SID name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the SID speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the climb via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  14. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb and maintain <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>.\u201d\n\tNOTE:\u00a0Use on initial contact with ATC after departure.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cClimb via <SID name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the SID speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the climb via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  15. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb via <SID name> except maintain <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>, climbing via <SID name>.\u201d\n\tNOTE:\u00a0Use on initial contact with ATC after departure.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cClimb via <SID name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the SID speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the climb via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  16. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb via <SID name>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, climbing via <SID name>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions up to the published top altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by a \u201cClimb via <SID name>.\u201d \u2013 comply with the SID speed restrictions. The previous assigned speed is deleted by the climb via clearance.\n\n"}]]
  17. [[{"id":1,"title":"Mayday","content":"\n\n\tMayday. A distress situation, grave and imminent danger threatens, requiring immediate assistance. Initiate distress radio communications with the term \u201cmayday\u201d repeated three times.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Pan-Pan","content":"\n\n\tPan-Pan. An urgent situation that requires timely but not immediate assistance. Urgent situations may not be immediately perilous, but may become so if allowed to continue. Preference is given to aircraft declaring \u201cpan-pan,\u201d but emergency protocols will not be activated. Initiate urgent radio communications with the use of the phrase \u201cpan-pan\u201d repeated three times.\n\n"}]]
  18. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb via SID <altitude>. Cancel speed restriction(s).\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tNot\u00a0required to comply with published speeds.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE 1: Alternate clearance can be more specific with only canceling speed restrictions for a given waypoint(s). Those waypoint(s) will be included in the clearance.\n\tNOTE 2:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cClimb via SID.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the SID and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  19. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb <altitude>. Cancel level restrictions.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, climbing <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cClimb via SID.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the SID and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  20. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb unrestricted <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving>, climbing <altitude>.\u201d\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tNot required to comply with published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tDelete all published speed restrictions below the clearance altitude.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cClimb via SID.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the SID and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  21. [[{"id":1,"title":"Pilot Response","content":"\n\n\tInitial:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, climb via SID <altitude>.\u201d\n\n\n\n\tSubsequent:\n\t\u201cAmerican 123, <altitude leaving> for <altitude>, climbing via SID.\u201d\n\tNOTE: Use on initial contact with ATC after departure.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"Altitude","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published altitude restrictions. Stop climb upon reaching ATC assigned altitude.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"Speed","content":"\n\n\tComply with all published speed restrictions.\n\n\n\n\tNOTE:\u00a0When an ATC speed restriction is assigned, followed by \u201cClimb via SID.\u201d \u2013 disregard the speed restrictions on the SID and maintain last assigned speed. Adherence to required airspace speed limits still apply.\n\n"}]]
  22. [[{"id":1,"title":"SBGR Clearance","content":"\n\n\tTest\n\n"}]]
  23. [[{"id":1,"title":"HIDE BORDERS","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"NEW MAP","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"NEW HOLDER","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":4,"title":"NEW RA","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"}]]
  24. Andrew Heath


    [[{"id":1,"title":"LINE 4","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":2,"title":"FDB","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":3,"title":"TOOLBAR","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":4,"title":"RDB","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":5,"title":"LDB","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"},{"id":6,"title":"OUTAGE","content":"\n\n\tReserved.\n\n"}]]

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