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Olaf Blom (1016062)

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Everything posted by Olaf Blom (1016062)

  1. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Amsterdam Radar online, covering the Dutch Airspace up to FL660 and covering all Dutch airfields. Come and fly. VFR and IFR are both welcome.
  2. until
    Sector: EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4Covering EHAA airspace up to FL660 and all dutch airfields. VFR and IFR is welcome. I provide Flight Info Service as well.
  3. until
    Amsterdam Radar online, covering all EH** airfields and the EHAA Airspace top-down up to FL660
  4. until
    EHAA Radar online, covering all fields and flights in EHAA up to FL660.
  5. until
    Booking for EHAA.EHAA.ACC.EHAAS4 created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. until
    EHAA Radar is online for the EHAA FIR open day. Covering EHAA up to FL660.
  7. until
    Amsterdam Radar is online. Come and fly. VFR and IFR, civilian and military, all is welcome. Covering EHAA up to FL660
  8. until
    Amsterdam Radar is online, bring you wings to EHAA.
  9. until
    Amsterdam Radar is online till 14z. Bring your wings to the EHAA FIR or one of it's many airports.
  10. until
    EHAA Radar will be online for at least 2 hours, covering all airports in The Netherlands and the EHAA airspace up to FL660. Come and bring your wings to the EHAA FIR or UIR.
  11. until
    EHAA Radar is online covering the Dutch airspace from the ground up to FL660 and all airports, controlling at these frequencies: SECTOR 1 + EHGG: 134.375 SECTOR 2 + EHLE: 124.880 SECTOR 3 + EHEH and EHBK: 123.850 SECTOR 4 + EHRD and EHAM: 125.750 SECTOR 5: 123.705
  12. until
    EHAA Radar online. I am testing too, so expect a lot of 'radiocheck'-transmissions. You are welcome to fly.
  13. until
    UAE Radar online, covering all OM** airports!
  14. until
    OMAE Radar will be online. Any type of flight is welcome! I will be up to an hour longer online, if there is traffic around 19z.
  15. until
    OMAE Radar will be online for a couple of hours. Coma and fly!
  16. until
    OMAE Radar is online.
  17. until
    OMAE Radar is online! Come and fly!
  18. until
    UAE Radar will come online. Let's get me some traffic.
  19. until
    Come and fly! Would be nice to have traffic
  20. until
    Come fly to Dubai or Abu Dhabi! I might be on earlier as I will logon when I arrive home.
  21. until
    Let's fly to the UAE. UAE Radar is open.
  22. until
    UAE Radar will be online, come fly!
  23. until
    Come fly!
  24. @Pavlin 1022770If you are flying a NAT, you just say: 'requesting clearence to Kennedy via track A', if you are flying ramdom routing you'll say: ' requesting clearence to Kennedy via DOGAL, 55 North 020 West, 56 North 030 West,' and so on. This is just a part of the clearence request.

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