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Maher Abaza

Network Moderators
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Everything posted by Maher Abaza

  1. until
    Sector: ORBB.ORBB.NORTH.1CTesting
  2. until
    Sector: OJAC.OJAI.OJAI.1TBooking for OJAC.OJAI.OJAI.1T created on the POSCON HQ.
  3. until
    Sector: OMAE.OMAE.ACC.1CBooking for OMAE.OMAE.ACC.1C created on the POSCON HQ.
  4. until
    Sector: OMAE.OMAE.ACC.1CBooking for OMAE.OMAE.ACC.1C created on the POSCON HQ.
  5. until
    Sector: OMAE.OMDB.DXB.4ASBooking for OMAE.OMDB.DXB.4AS created on the POSCON HQ.
  6. until
    Sector: LSAS.LSAS.LSAS.1CTest
  7. until
  8. until
    Sector: LSAS.LSAS.LSAS.1CBooking for LSAS.LSAS.LSAS.1C created on the POSCON HQ.
  9. until
    Sector: LSAS.LSGG.LSGG.1ABooking for LSAS.LSGG.LSGG.1A created on the POSCON HQ.
  10. until
    Sector: OJAC.OJAC.OJAC.1CTest
  11. 6 hours ago, Guest Pavlin said: On 10/23/2020 at 2:32 AM, Olaf Blom (1016062) said: @Pavlin 1022770If you are flying a NAT, you just say: 'requesting clearence to Kennedy via track A', if you are flying ramdom routing you'll say: ' requesting clearence to Kennedy via DOGAL, 55 North 020 West, 56 North 030 West,' and so on. This is just a part of the clearence request. And how he can understand in which direction you are going if there is two tracks with the same letter? I mean eastbound and westbound one???? From what I understood, the NAT tracks names are not duplicated. They have unique letter identifiers. There won't be 2 tracks with name A at any point.
  12. It is early to judge this behaviour as "attitude" towards ATC presence. I think it's just a temporary phase while the network is still under development. As for "forcing" pilots to contact you, if someone does not want to contact you they will simply ghost or disconnect. But there are ways to let pilots know that you want to contact them. ATC have a CPDLC functionality to send a message to any aircraft to contact them (provided that the aircraft is already connected via CPDLC). There is also Guard frequency (121.500) which pilots should be monitoring according to POSCON policies. And finally, there's another moderation tool that allows ATC to contact pilots on any frequency they're tuned to. Other than that, you cannot force change the frequency. The feedback system is used as a last resort to indicate that a pilot was unresponsive to any of the previously mentioned methods.
  13. If a flight on the map does not have a departure or arrival, it is likely that the pilot did not activate his flight plan, or as you mentioned, it could be because the pilot did not file a flight plan. For IFR flights, a flight plan is required on POSCON. But due to low possibility of ATC being online, some members choose to skip this step.
  14. The amount of applications is high, and they need to be processed manually to evaluate them currently. Please be patient until you receive the response via email.
  15. until
    Sector: OJAC.AMM.AMM.1AJust for testing.
  16. Hello Daniel, Happy to see you joined POSCON, welcome aboard! As Pete mentioned above, ATC applications are temporarily on hold. In the meantime, you can get the notice once we open them again on our public Discord server https://discord.poscon.net.
  17. until
    Sector: OJAC.OJAC.OJAC.1CPlanning on 2 hours, might extend an extra hour or two depending on availability. Will update this booking based on that.
  18. until
    Sector: OMAE.OMDB.DXB.4TNWill be monitoring both Tower frequencies 118.750 and 119.550 as well as Guard on 121.500. Please use the first frequency for tomorrow. If you could not use it, please try the other frequencies and on initial contact say the frequency you are calling from.
  19. until
    Sector: OJAC.AMM.AMM.1ABooking for OJAC.AMM.AMM.1A created on the POSCON HQ.
  20. until
    Bahrain Radar will be online for 2 hours at least!
  21. until
    Amman Control 128.500
  22. Hello Jonah, Is this about the POSCON Pilot Client or only about MSFS?
  23. Hey Daniel, Germany is already open here:
  24. until
    This is a test only. But I actually might come online so keep an eye on the map!
  25. until
    Amman Control will be online until midnight local time (2100z)

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