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Stuart Campbell (1011801)

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Stuart Campbell (1011801) last won the day on May 28 2018

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  1. https://fsfxpackages.com/en/787Immersion/ and of course who can forget the big one.... http://www.qualitywingssim.com/787.html
  2. UK Division without doubt - Which i can see a club has been made for :)
  3. I've been looking forward to this since it got announced. Then to everyone's annoyance. we had to wait that much longer for the v4 version! I hope the wait is worth it!
  4. That is actually not a bad idea. More traffic which works out well for both pilots and controllers. Which may therefore convince other controllers to open up other airports. Which you would then see an influx of people online. G
  5. I think that will be good, i am not to sure if you will accept the rating system from IVAO? But i actually am a center controller and have my senior private pilots licence looking to get up to commercial pilots licence. I have also helped train a few people over the course of my period being on the network so that could also come in handy to those who need a bank in the right direction if needs be :)
  6. Are you wanting the whole of the UK to be done?(other than the obvious: Gatwick, Heathrow, Manchester, etc) i.e. Stansted, cardiff, newcastle, glasgow and so on and so fourth.
  7. Very good idea. I think this is something that should be implemented. Especially since teamspeak is being pushed aside by Discord now!
  8. By the looks of things, the quality wings 787 is near completion for those people with P3Dv4. Is anyone else excited? I for one can not wait for this bird, especially after recently flying on the 787 - 8 variant myself. My only source to suspecting this being near completion is if anyone has VFX central, you will see a recent update that they have made support and the most recent update compatible with the 787 immersion pack!
  9. Hello everyone, I am Stuart, 24 years old. My airport closest to me would probably be EGSS but i much prefer EGKK and will always fly out of that airport when possible. I enjoy the scenery and approach into LOWI (standard response), with low visibility and with all the terrain and offset runway, i believe this can give you some funny and also tormenting experiences on arrival. Of course who can forget Gibraltars Runway 09, which entails a route around the south of the rock and then finally turning east to line up to the runway about 15 seconds from the end! I have had experiences on other networks but im looking very much forward to whats to come with POSCON! My best bird to fly would be the 737 - i have got to know this plane inside out. But i also love a challenge and never back down from flying the 717 or Crash8! I could rabble on all day about my flight simming experiences but i will end it here for now :) Nice to meet you all

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