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Matt B. (1011215)

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Everything posted by Matt B. (1011215)

  1. until
    Sector: KZTL.ZTL.1.42Tropical Storm Elsa Coverage
  2. until
    Sector: KZDC.ZDC.1.19Booking for KZDC.ZDC.1.19 created on the POSCON HQ.
  3. until
    Sector: KZOA.ZOA.S.16Booking for KZOA.ZOA.S.16 created on the POSCON HQ.
  4. until
    Sector: KZTL.ZTL.1.42Booking for KZTL.ZTL.1.42 created on the POSCON HQ.
  5. Please make sure you join the United States Division on HQ. https://hq.poscon.net/division/USA Hit the "Join as pilot" button
  6. until
    Sector: KZLC.ZLC.C.33Booking for KZLC.ZLC.C.33 created on the POSCON HQ.
  7. until
    Booking for KZTL.ZTL.1.43 created on the POSCON HQ.
  8. until
    Come fly! ?
  9. until
    Working Atlanta Center for FNF!
  10. until
    Jacksonville Center KZJX
  11. until
    Staffing KZDC Center for DCA FNF!
  12. until
    Atlanta Center will be online for ATC Services.
  13. until
    Friday Night in ATL!
  14. until
    Atlanta Center staffed for 2 hours
  15. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED, AWAITING RESCHEDULE See this link for more details: https://discord.com/channels/529802626443771914/696922386490196028/797100215164207134 This ATC group flight will be a departure and arrival event. The plan is to depart from KBOS and fly to KJFK. We are asking that you please depart from KBOS as we are testing new features of Radar Client and need your help! Departure window will be Saturday January 9th, between 1500-1700z Overview The purpose of this group flight is to test various new features of our website / radar client. We are asking ALL pilots to depart KBOS and arrive into KJFK. Any type of flight is encouraged IFR, VFR, etc... We are asking pilots to depart KBOS first, if you have time and get to KJFK early you may do a return flight to KBOS. Pilot Briefing Date: Saturday, January 9th, 2021 Departure Window: 1500-1700z. This is the time when you should plan on pushing back from KBOS. Routes (Preferred): All are KBOS-KJFK Turbojets: SSOXS5 SSOXS BUZRD SEY PARCH3 Props: SSOXS LUCOS SEY067 SEY HTO V46 DPK JFK (Props between 11,000 to 17,000ft) All others: BOSOX V1 V14 ORW V16 CCC V46 DPK JFK (At or below 10,000ft) Clearance Delivery: IFR clearance can be obtained via VHF voice on the published frequency that can be found on the HQ Live Map. CPDLC will not be in use for clearance delivery. Taxi: Be sure to have airport diagrams handy for taxing on airport movement areas. Arrival: For turbojets, please file the PARCH3 arrival into KJFK. For props, file any preferred route available. NOTAMS For testing purposes please depart KBOS Only . Return flights to KBOS will be permitted but only after you fly out of KBOS first. Please reference FAA PRD (Preferred Route Database) for routes dependent on aircraft type and altitude. Please check the D-ATIS for the active arrival runway at KJFK. D-ATIS will be available during the event. To use it, request "Arrival ATIS" through the Web UI. PLEASE DO NOT DEPART AN AIRPORT WITHIN KZBW AIRSPACE, ONLY KBOS Communications All frequencies will be published via HQ Live Map on the day of the event. REMEMBER: All pilots must monitor Guard frequency on Comm #2 unless you need to briefly change to check weather.
  16. Introducing ATC Group Flights Join us for POSCON's ATC Group Flights that feature live enroute, approach and tower air traffic control services available on the Positive Control Network. This is a great opportunity to practice your aviation phraseology and get feedback from controllers on how you are doing, while simultaneously helping POSCON test the ATC system. How will it work? During the date and time we publish, we will provide guaranteed ATC services for certain city pairs. What is the best way to participate? Ideally, users will join the published route with everyone else using Instrument Flight Rules (IFR); however, this is NOT required! The goal is for you to practice your phraseology and enjoy the most realistic IFR experience on any network available. Here are some suggestions though: File a flight plan through the HQ system and spawn in at a gate or ramp. IFR flight is preferred, but VFR will not be discouraged either. Contact ATC and obtain your clearance. Only departure, enroute, destination air traffic control services will be available. For example: if the event is KATL to KJFK and you decide to fly from KCLT to KJFK, there will be NO ATC available at KCLT. You may contact ENROUTE ATC once airborne. This is a temporary modification to the "top-down" model many pilots are used to at legacy online flight simulation networks. We are doing it this way so that our controllers can devote sufficient time to testing the air traffic control software. Where can I find more information? Check this forum thread often to find route, event times, and preferred routing. ATC information will also be posted in the forum as well. We recommend "notify me of replies" to forum post to get email notifications of new posts. I am a newbie, can I attend? Of course! These events are designed to accommodate all experience levels. Attention Microsoft Flight Sim 2020 Users! Make sure multiplayer is turned off within the sim or you will see traffic that is not connected to POSCON. REMEMBER: All pilots must monitor Guard frequency on Comm #2 unless you need to briefly change to check weather. MAKE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR PILOT CLIENTS BEFORE OPERATING IN THIS EVENT! Current versions:
  17. until
    If you are a pilot, RSVP if you plan to fly through my airspace! Covering: KPHL KPNE, KILG, KTTN, and other satellite airports. Available Frequencies: 135.1 - Delivery, Ground, Tower 119.75 - Departure, Approach Limitations: No radios on the ground at TTN.

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